In July 2008 workmen renovating Buckingham House in High Street, Old Portsmouth demolished a wall and uncovered an earlier panelled wall on which were painted a set of emblems. At the time of writing these are believed to date back to Tudor times. If this is proved to be correct it will place the origins of the building further back than the period when it was known as the Spotted Dog in 1627; the era in which the house was owned by John Mason and in which the Duke of Buckingham was assassinated. Further research is being carried out but in the meantime we are pleased to display the panels.
Further information about the house can be found in the section reporting progress on The 1860 (Old Portsmouth) Model.
The Panels
Further Information
A history of Buckingham House and photos from 1948
Memorials in Portsmouth - The Duke of Buckingham Plaque
Memorials in Portsmouth - the John Mason Plaque
The 1860 Project - No. 11 High Street