A List of the Honorary Members of the Corporation of Portsmouth, from 1573 to 1699
Peers, Nobles and others, being Burgesses
[Information derived from "Roll of Freemen of the Borough of Portsmouth" published by WH Barrell Ltd.]
Who in 1553 succeeded his father in the
Earldom of Sussex.
Subsequently Lord Chancellor of England.
(Henry Wriothesley-1581 to 1623.)
(Lord Stanley and Strange) succeeded to
the Earldom of Derby in 1592.
High Steward of Portsmouth in 1590.
Succeeded to the Earldom of Sussex in 1593.
Donor of a silver gilt Cup to the Corporation,
and in 1602-as Sir Robert Lee,
was Lord Mayor of London.
Who defeated the Spanish Armada. Created
Earl of Nottingham in 1596.
Chaplain to the Earl of Sussex, "in consideration
of his having been Orator for the said towne
at the cominge of the Queen (Elizabeth)
Matie to Portesmouth."
Chaplain to the Earl of Sussex.
Under Steward of Portsmouth, and
Recorder of Portsmouth in 1615.
(George Clifford-1569 to 1604.)
Viscount Powerscourt in 1618.
(Henry Piercy-1585 to 1632.)
(Lord Mountjoy), Captain of the town of Portsmouth.
Master General of the Ordnance, shown as
Lord Carew in 1598.
Master Gunner of Portsmouth; donor of the
Silver Tazza and Spoons to the Corporation.
Master of the Horse to Queen Elizabeth,
and Earl Marshal.
" Lord General of Her Majesties Forces in Brittanie."
" Then dwellinge at the dock."
M.P. for the Borough of Portsmouth.
" One of the syx Mrs. of her Maties Navie."
" One of the Mrs. of the ho : Courte of Requests."
Doctor of Theology. Created Bishop of
Bath and Wells in 1616.
" Surveyor of her Maities Shippes and Navie Royal."
Treasurer of Queen Elizabeth's Navy; subsequently
Chancellor of the Exchequer to King James I.,
and created Baron Brooke in 1621.
Formerly (Charles Blount) Lord Mountjoy
Lord Principal Justice of England.
Secretary to the Earl of Nottingham,
Lord High Admiral.
Master of the " Rowles " (Rolls)
Eldest son of James I.
As Lord Chamberlain he in 1605 discovered Guy
Fawkes and the gunpowder in the vault at the
House of Commons ; was Lord Treasurer to James I. in 1614.
Succeeded to the throne as King Charles the First.
Was constituted " Earl Marshal " in 1621.
Beheaded on Tower Hill, 1631.
Master of the Robes to Charles I. : succeeded
his father as Earl of Northampton in 1630 ;
and fell fighting for C. I. in 1643.
Son of the Earl of Suffolk : created Earl of Berkshire, 1626.
A Major General in the service of Charles I.
Assassinated by Felton, August, 1628.
Master of the Horse to C. I., Lord Steward of
the Household.
" Master of the Wardrobe to C. I. "
" Treasurer of the Household to C. I."
Nephew of Geo. Villiers, Duke of Buckingham :
became Earl of Denbigh, 1643.
A principal Secretary of State.
Chief Justice.
Succeeded His father (Fowlke Greville) in 1628:.
killed at Warwick Castle, 1643.
Commanded the Sussex Militia against Monmouth,
and whose grandson was created
Earl of Scarborough 1690.
Formerly Viscount Andover.
Had been Secretary to Prince Charles (Charles I.)
Dean of Chichester ; created Bishop of
Peterborough in 1634.
" Somerset Herald. "
Summoned to the House of Lords by C. II. in 1661.
Baron of Hurstpierpoint ; created Earl of Norwich.
Lord High Admiral, 1637 to 1642.
Summoned to the House of Lords by C. II. in 1661.
Treasurer of the Household to C. I., and in 1640
Principal Secretary of State.
"Prince Palatine of ye Rhine" Nephew of Charles I.,
by whom he was created Duke of Cumberland.
Governor of Portsmouth,
Lieut. Governor of Portsmouth.
Subsequently Earl of Peterborough.
Lord Chamberlain to Charles I.
" One of the Admirals and Generals of ye ffleete of
this Comonwealth." Created Duke of Albermarle in
1660, on the restoration of Charles II.
" One other of the same Admirals and Generals."
Father of William Penn, the Quaker, founder of Pennsylvania.
Alderman of the City of London, and Lord Mayor in 1657.
" One of the Lords Commissioners of ye
Great Seals of England." Lisle died by the hands
of an Irish assassin-dispatched by the Stuarts
for that purpose-on the shore of the Lake of
Geneva, whither he had fled after the restoration.
His widow, Alice Lisle, was judicially murdered by
order of the brutal Judge Jefferies in 1685.
Formerly George Monck.
As Edward Montague, and in command of a portion
of the English Fleet, he, in May 1660, conveyed
Charles II. back to England on his restoration to
the Crown ; and in the July following was created
by that King, Earl of Sandwich, Viscount Hinchingbrook,
Brother to Charles II., whom he succeeded as
James II.
Lord Steward of the Household to C. II.
Lord Chamberlain of the Household to Charles II.
Created Earl of Berkley in 1679.
Became Lord Chamberlain to Queen Mary II
Of Stratton.
At one period Secretary to the Admiralty, and,
under James II., had the management of the
Admiralty department, no Lord High Admiral, or
Board of Admiralty having been appointed by
James. The name of Samuel Pepys remained on
the Burgess Roll until 1703,
Lord Fitzharding in 1663.
John Granvill, first Earl, created 1661.
Son of the first Earl of Cleveland.
Summoned to the House of Lords by C. II. in 1661
Earl of Macclesfield in 1701.
James Fitz-Roy, Nat : Son of Charles II.
and Lucy Walters.
One of the first principal Members of the Royal Society.
Lord Chamberlain to His Majesty's Household,
Created Earl of Arlington in 1672.
Lord Chamberlain of the Household in 1671.
Became Earl of Berkley in 1698.
Son of Buckingham assassinated by Felton.
He married the daughter of Thomas Lord Fairfax,
the Parliamentary General, and died at Kirby
Created Earl of Rochester in 1682. Brother to the
first Queen of James II, and Uncle to
Queen Mary II. and Queen Anne.
Son of the Duke of Ormond ; was an Admiral
in the Navy.
A supporter of James II.
Died at Jamaica where he was Governor, 1691.
Succeeded as Earl of Anglesea in 1686.
Son of the first Duke of Leeds.
Succeeded as Duke of Leeds ; became a Vice
Admiral in 1703.
Created Earl of Monmouth in 1689, and succeeded
to the Earldom of Peterborough in 1697.
Subsequently Marques of Normanby, and in
1703 Duke of Buckingham.
Nat : son of Charles II., created Earl of Plymouth 1675.
Had been Governor of Jamaica.
Created Earl of Scarborough in 1690, was an
active General under the Prince of Orange.
Name &c.
Sir Henry Radcliffe, Knt.
Sir Christopher Hatton, Knt.
Henry, Earl of Southampton
Ferdinand, Lord Strange
Robert, Lord Fitzwalter
Robert Lee (Merchaunt)
Henry, Lord Windsor
Charles, Lord Howard of Effingham,
Lord High Admiral of England
The Rev. John Rider
The Rev. John Lancaster
John Moore, Esquire
George, Earl of Cumberland
Sir Richard Winkfield, Knt.
Sir Thomas Maria Winkfield, Knt.
Alexander Ratclyf, Esqr.
Henry, Earl of Northumberland
Sir Charles Blount, Knt.
Sir George Carew, Knt.
Joshua Savour
Robert, Earl of Essex
Sir John Norrys, Knt.
Sir Hampden Pawlett, Knt.
William Heaton, Gent.
William Green, Esqre.
John Austyn, Esqre.
Dr. John Harbert
Rt. Rev. Arthur Lake
John Treavor, Esqre.
Fowlke, Greville, Esqre.
Charles, Earl of Devon
Sir Thomas Fleminge, Knt.
Lord Oliver St. John
Humphrey Jobson, Gent.
Lord Julius Caesar, Knt.
His Royal Highness Henry, Prince of Wales
Thomas Tichborne, Gent.
Thomas, Earl of Suffolk
Sir Thomas Cornwallis
Sir William Cecil, Knt.
His Royal Highness Charles, Prince of Wales
Thomas, Earl of Arundel
Mervin, Earl of Castlehaven
John, Lord Vaughan
Spencer, Lord Compton
Thomas, Lord Andover
George Oglander, Gent.
Robert, Lord Carew
......, Lord Ashton
Henry Wentworth, Gent.
George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham
James, Marques of Hamilton
William, Earl of Denbigh
Henry, Lord De la Warre
Basil, Viscount Fielding
Lord, John Cooke
Sir Robert Heath, Knt.
Edward, Earl of Sussex
Robert, Lord Brooke
Richard, Lord Lumley
Thomas, Earl of Berkshire
Francis, Lord Cottington
Rt. Rev. Francis Dee
John Phillpott, Esqre.
Jerome, Earl of Portland
George, Lord Goringe
Algernon, Earl of Northumberland
Lord Mountjoy, Earl of Newport
Sir Henry Vane
" The Illustrious Prince Rupert "
George Goring, Esqre.
Robert Willis, Esqre.
Charles, Earl of Nottingham
Philip, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery
Robert, Earl of Warwick
George Monck
William Penn
Robert Tichbourne, Esqre.
John Lisle, Esqre.
William, Lord Sydenham
Thomas, Lord Pride
George, Duke of Albermarle
Edward, Earl of Sandwich,
and Viscount Hinchingbrook
His Royal Highness James, Duke of
York and Albany
James, Duke of Ormonde, and Earl of Brecknock
Edward, Earl of Manchester
George, Lord Berkley
Philip, Earl of Chesterfield
James, Earl of Suffolk
John, Lord Berkley
Samuel Pepys, Esqre.
Sir Charles Berkley, Knt. and Bart.
John, Earl of Bath
Thomas, Lord Wentworth
William, Lord Crofts
Charles, Lord Gerrard
His Highness, James, Duke of Monmouth
William, Lord Brouncker
Henry, Lord Arlington
Henry Jermain, Earl of St. Albans
Charles, Viscount Fitzharding
George, Duke of Buckingham
Aubrey de Vere, Earl of Oxford
Lawrence Hyde, Esqre.
Francis, Lord Hawley
Thomas, Earl of Ossory
Henry, Earl of Peterborough, and
Baron Beauchamp
William, Earl of Inchiquin
James, Lord Annesley
Edward, Lord Latimer
Peregrine, Viscount Dumblane
Robert, Viscount Hunsdon
Charles, Lord Mordant
John, Earl Mulgrave
Charles, Fitz-Charles, Earl of Plymouth
Charles, Earl of Carlisle
Richard, Viscount Waterford
Baron de Kirby.
Governor of Portsmouth
Earl of Nottingham, and succeeded as Earl of
Winchelsea in 1729.
" Treasurer of the Navy."
" A Principal Secretary of State."
Chief Justice of the Common Pleas in 1674 ;
Keeper of the Great Seal 1682 ;
and created Baron Guildford in 1683.
Married the Princess Anne (Queen Anne) daughter
of James, Duke of York (James II.)
Governor of Portsmouth.
Son of George Monck, the first Duke.
Nat : son of Charles II., born 1663, created Duke
of Grafton 1675; in 1682 was a Vice Admiral of England.
Nat : son of Charles II., born 1672, created Duke
of Richmond in 1675.
Known as the " Proud Duke " ; a Lord of the King's
(James) Bedchamber, 1687.
Was Governor of Portsmouth in 1673 ; Master
of the Horse ; Groom of the Bedchamber to the
Duke of York ; created Baron Dartmouth 1682.
Had command of the Fleet of James II. at the
landing of the Prince of Orange in 1688.
Became Earl of Gainsborough.
Lord Chief Justice of England :-" of infamous
memory, "a character he obtained from his
ferociously brutal conduct when presiding as Judge
at the trials of the numerous prisoners taken in
Monmouth's rebellion, 1685 ; conduct so pleasing
to James II. that he, created him " Lord Chief
Justice of England." Jefferies died miserably a
prisoner in the Tower of London in April 1689,
"Having dwindled from a corpulent man to a skeleton "
Keeper of the Great Seal.
Bishop of Bath and Wells. Ken was one of the
seven Bishops sent prisoners to the Tower of
London by James II.in 1688, for presenting a petition to him disputing the legality of the
" Declaration of Indulgencies " which James had
ordered to be read in all the Churches and Chapels in the kingdom.
Secretary of State, 1684.88. A staunch adherent of James II.
Nat : son of James II. In 1688 the Duke,
whilst Governor of Portsmouth and
"Colonel of the 8th Regiment of the Dine,
then quartered at Portsmouth, gave
orders that thirty men just arrived from
Ireland should be enlisted. The English
soldiers declared that they would not
serve with these intruders. John Beaumont, the Eieut.-Col., in his own
name and in the name of five of the
Captains protested to the Duke's face
against this insult to the English Army
and nation.................. Berwick
sent to Windsor for instructions. The
King, greatly exasperated, instantly
despatched a troop of horse to Portsmouth
with orders to bring the six
refractory Officers before him. A
council of war sate on them. They
refused to make any submission ; and
they were sentenced to be cashiered,"
(Macaulay). (James at this period had
brought over a large number of the
Irish peasantry-his co-religionists to
be enrolled as Soldiers.) " It may well
be supposed that the rude Kerne of
Connaught, placed with arms in his
hands, among a foreign people whom he
hated, and by whom he was hated in
turn, was guilty of some excesses. These
excesses were greatly exaggerated by
report ; ...... From every corner of the
Kingdom a cry arose against the
foreign barbarians who forced
themselves into private houses, seized
horses and waggons, extorted money,
and insulted women." (Macaulay.)
-Vide Appeal to the Prince of Orange, page 253.
Admiral of the Fleet that conducted the
Prince of Orange to England in 1688.
Subsequently First Lord of the Admiralty.
Was defeated by the French off Beachy
Head in 1690: tried by a Court-martial
and acquitted, but was dismissed
the service by William III.
Lieut. Governor of Portsmouth.
Late Viscount Waterford.
Son of Marshal Schomberg ; he commanded
the right wing of William's Army at
the Battle of the Boyne : subsequently
created Duke of Leinster.
As Henry Sidney, was one of those that
invited the Prince of Orange to England;
became Secretary of State in 1690,
and Lord Lieut : of Ireland in 1692.
Governor of Portsmouth.
Was engaged with the Prince of Orange in the
revolution of 1688, and subsequently
held the lucrative office of
Treasurer of the Navy : was Admiral of the Fleet
in 1691. Had some shameful dealings
with (James II). at the Court of
St. Germain's. Became First Lord of the
Admiralty in 1693, Created Earl of Oxford
and Viscount Barfleur in 1697.
Took an active part with Monmouth in the
latter's unfortunate insurrection. Became
First Lord of the Treasury in 1699.
Was present at the battle of La Hogue,
where he destroyed nearly all the
French ships ; commanded the Fleet
sent against Cadiz, 1702 ; was with Sir
Cloudesly Shovel and the Prince of
Darmstadt at the Capture of Gibraltar 1704.
Was with Sir George Rooke and the Prince
of Darmstadt at the Capture of Gibraltar,
1704 ; commanded English and Dutch
Fleet employed in attack upon France
in 1707, and was wrecked on his return home.
Vice-Admiral of the Red. Succeeded as
Duke of Leeds in 1712.
Had been bred a page at Whitehall. First
Commissioner of the Treasury under
William in 1691 ; whilst such, treacherously
corresponded with James II.
Created Earl Godolphin 1706.
Commanded William's Brigade of Danish
mercenaries at the ' Boyne '.
Formerly Sir John Lowther. First Lord of the
Treasury in 1690. A Lord of the Admiralty
in 1692 ; created Viscount Lonsdale in 1696;
Lord Privy Seal in 1699.
Charles, Lord Hatton
Edward, Lord Noell, Baron de Titchfield
Daniel, Lord Finch
Anthony, Viscount Falkland
Sir Lionell Jenkins, Knt.
Sir Francis North, Knt.
His Royal Highness, George, Prince of Denmark
Edward, Earl of Gainsborough
Christopher, Duke of Albermarle
Henry, Duke of Grafton
Charles Lenox, Duke of Richmond
Charles, Duke of Somerset
George Legge, Lord Dartmouth
Wriothesley, Baptist Noell, Lord Camden
Sir George Jefferies, Knt., Bart
James, Earl of Salisbury
Francis, Lord Guildford
The Rt. Rev. Thomas Ken
Charles, Earl of Midleton
James, Duke of Berwick
Arthur, Earl of Torrington
Coll. John Gibson
Richard, Earl of Scarborough
Mynerd, Duke of Leinster
George, Viscount Castleton
Henry, Earl of Romney
Maj.-Gen. Thomas Earle
Lord Edward Russell
Ford, Earl of Tankerville
Sir George Rooke, Knt.
Sir Cloudesly Shovel, Knt.
Peregrine, Earl of Camarthan
Sydney, Lord Godolphin
His Grace Ferdinand William,
Duke of Wirtemburgh
John, Viscount Lonsdale