Lainsbury, James Laker, James Lamb, Jane Lambert, Francis Lambert, George Lambert, James Lambert, James Lambert, William Lamburn, George Lamburn, Joseph Lamburn, Joseph Lammas, Frederick Lampard, James Lampton, James Lancaster, James Lander, James Lander, Janes Henry Lander, John Lane, David Lane, David Lane, Henry Lane, James Edward Lane, Joseph Lane, Thomas Lane, William Lane, William Lane, William Lane, William James Lang, Joseph Langdon, Wadham Langer, Charles Langford, George Langford, George Langford, Henry Langford, James Langford, John Langford, John Langford, John Langford, Joseph Langford, William Langford, William Langford, William Langley, James Langride, William Langridge, George Langrish, George Langton, James Langworthy, Eliza Lanning, George Lanning, Thomas Larby, Richard Large, George Large, Henry William Larking, Thomas Lashmar, William Lennox Latham, William Lavender, Jeremiah Lavender, John Lavender, William Lavington, James Lawford, James John Lawrence, David Lawrence, John Lawrence, William, jun. Lawrence, William, sen. Laycock, Samuel Layton, Albert Layton, Francis Layton, James Layton, James Layton, Thomas Layton, William John Layton, William John Leach, Wiliam Leach, William Lear, George Leat, James Leather, Charles Leddra, Sarah Lee, Charles Lee, Charles Lee, Mary Ann Lee, Robert Lee, Samuel Lee, William Leech, George Leen, William Lefebvre, Thomas Legg, Richard Legg, Samuel Jonathan Leggatt, George Leggatt, George Leggatt, George Leggatt, Henry Leggatt, James Leggatt, John Leitch, David Lenanton, William Leonard, David Levell, William Lever, William Levett, William Levett, William Levy, Joseph Lewington, Amelia Lewis, David Lewis, Thomas Lewis, William Lidbetter, Samuel Light, Charles Light, William Light, William Robert Lightfoot, William Lillington, Henry Lillington, Stephen Lillywhite, Thomas Lindup, Edward Linman, Peter Linnington, George Lipscombe, John Liscombe, James Littlefield, Alfred Littlefield, Henry Littlefield, Thomas Littleford, Albert Lloyd, John Lloyd, Robert Lloyd, Thomas Loader, Charles Loader, George Loader, William Lobb, William Lock, George Lock, John Lock, Joseph Lock, Thomas Lock, William Lock, William Lockyer, Robert Loft, James Lofthouse Francis Loney, George Loney, George Long, Alfred Long, George Long, Joseph Long, William Henry Longland, Richard Lonnon, Henry Lonnon, Thomas Lonsdale, Moses Lott, William Loughram, Janette Louth, Edward Lovatt, William Loveday, George Thomas Lovejoy, Thomas Lovelass, Mary Loveless, Henry Loveless, James Lovell, James John Lovell, John Lovelock, John Lovelock, William Lowe, James Lowe, William Loxton, William Luard, Edward Lucas, George Lucas, Thomas Hills Lucas, William Lucas, William Lucas, William Lucass, William Luce, Richard John Luckam, William Luckett, Thomas Ludlow, George Luff, Charles Luff, Daniel Luff, Henry Luff, William Luff, William Luff, William Luke, George Luke, Samuel Luke, William Luke, William Luke, William James Lumley, Thomas Lunn, Benjamin Lunn, Thomas Lush, James Lush, Maria Lush. Charles Luter, George Lye, Daniel Macey, Albert Macey, Leonard Mackey, William Macklin, Thomas Macklin, William Maddock, Joseph Henry Madgwick, Charles Maggs, William Maidment, Richard Main, Charles Main, Charles Main, Edward Main, George Major, Samuel Major, Walter Malley, Michael Malley, William Mallon, George William Mallon, Mary Ann Maloy, George Andrew Malpas, George Malpas, George Malyon, William Mamcher, John Manhart, Ann Manhart, Henry Manhart, Mary Manistree, Alfred Mann, Ann Manns, John William Mansbridge, Edward Mansbridge, Henry Mansell, Isaac Mansfield, George Mansfield, William Manuel, John Manville, John Marchant, Henry Marchment, James Mares, George Mares, Thomas Mares, William Mariner, Charles Marks, Thomas Marlow, James Marr, Thomas Marsh, Edward William Marsh, Francis Marsh, Henry Marsh, James Marsh, James Marsh, William Marsh, William Marshall, Charles Marshall, Edward John Marshall, Henry Marshall, James Marshall, John Marshall, Richard Marshall, Thomas Marshall, William Marson, John Martin, Charles Martin, Charles Martin, Emma Martin, George Martin, George Martin, Henry Martin, Lavinia Martin, Mary Ann Martin, Peter Martin, Thomas Martin, Thomas Martin, William Richard Martins, Francis Martyr, Joseph Mascoll, John Mash, William Mason, James Mason, Mary Ann Mason, William Mason, William Massey, George Massey, Samuel Massey, Samuel Massey, William Massey, William Masson, William Masterman, James Matthews, Edward Frederick Matthews, George Matthews, George Matthews, Henry Matthews, Henry Matthews, James Matthews, Robert Maxwell, Harriet May, Charles May, George May, James May, John May, John May, Maria Mayatt, George Maybee, John Maybee, Phoebe Mayhead, Frederick Mayhead, Thomas Maynard, Robert Maynard, Thomas Mayne, George Mayor, Samuel McBride, John McCarthy, Henrietta McClaren, John McClaughton, William McCoy, Malcolm McCreary, Edwin McDonagh, John McGregor, James McIntyre (sic) McKinlay, Adam McLaughlin, James Butler McLeod, Murdock McMakin, John McPherson, William Meade, Henry Meager, Charles Mears, Emma Mears, George Mears, Joseph Mears, Joseph Mechan, George Melsom, Frederick Merchants, Henry Merett, Richard Merrett, Henry Merrin, Michael Merritt, Jonathan Merritt, Luther Mersh, George Mersh, Jane Mersh, Richard Ambrose Messum, Alexander Messum, Benjamin Methven, Charlotte Miall, George Miall, George Miall, Gover Richard Miall, Thomas Michael, Jane Michell, George Middleton, George Middleton, William Midgley, Richard Miles, James Miles, Willia Miles, William Milford, John Mill, John Mill, Susannah Miller, Charles Miller, Charles Miller, Charles Miller, Charles Miller, Henry Miller, James John Miller, John Miller, John Miller, John Miller, John Miller, Martha Miller, Robert Miller, Sarah Miller, Thomas Miller, William Miller, William Millington, Henry Millins, Edward Mills, David Mills, Henry Mills, James Mills, John Mills, Joseph Mills, Joseph William Mills, William Mills, William Millward, Ann Milton, John Minchim, James Minchin, David Minchinton, Eli Minhinnick, Joseph Mintrim. Charles Misselbrook, Thomas Mitcheley, John Mitchell, Alfred Mitchell, Daniel Mitchell, George Mitchell, George Mitchell, Henry Mitchell, James Mitchell, James Mitchell, Richard Mitchell, Robert James Mitchell, William Mitchell, William Moberley, Charles Mogg, Eliza Mogridge, Ned Moncton, William Monk, James Moody, Elizabeth Moody, George Moody, John James William Moody, Thomas Moody, William Moore, Charles Moore, Charles Moore, Charles Treadgold Moore, Edward Moore, George Moore, George Moore, Michael Moore, Phillip Moore, Sarah Moore, Thomas Moran, Michael Morant, Thomas Morey, Edward Morey, Henry Morey, Henry Morey, John Morey, John Morey, Samuel Morey, William Morgan, Charles Morgan, George Morgan, John Morgan, John Morgan, John Morgan, Richard Morgan, Thomas Morgate, James Morley, Edward Morley, Frederick Morley, Henry Morley, John Morley, Robert Morley, William Morley, William Morphew, Charlotte Morrant, George Morris, Frederick Morris, George Morris, Joseph Morris, Richard Morris, Robert Morris, William Morriss, Ann Morses, Blexhill Mortimer, George Mortimer, John Mortimore, James Mortimore, William Henry Mosbery, Alfred Mosbery, George Moss, Jesse Moss, Samuel Mott, William Mottley, Edward Mottley, Edward Mouland, Joseph Mould, Joseph Mould, Joseph Mount, Thomas Edward Mountain, Francis Mowan, John Moxham, Henry Mugford, Thomas Muir, Andrew Mullinger, Ann Mullinger, George Mullinger, George Mullins, Robert Mumford, Eliza Mummery, Samuel Munden, Robert Munn, Edward Munson, George Frederick Munt, Richard Munt, William Munville, William Murch, George Murdock, George Murphy, Frederick Murray, Richard Murrell, Richard John Murrill, Ellen Mursell, Mary Mutter, James Mutter, Thomas Mutter, Thomas Mutter, William Nancarrow, Louisa Nancarrow, William Nancarrow, William Nancarrow, William Nance, John Nance, John William Napier, George Napper, John Narcross William Nash, Henry Nash, Maria Nash, Thomas Naylor, Charles Neates, James Needham, Martin Needle, Henry Nelthorpe, William New Albert New, Alfred New, Ann New, Charles New, George New, Harriet New, James New, James New, Richard New, Robert New, Samuel Newberry, George Newell, James Newland, George Newland, Henry Newland, James Newland, James Newland, William Newlyn, George Newman, Charles Newman, Charles Newman, Colin Newman, George Newman, Henry Newman, James Newman, Joseph Newman, Maria Newman, William Henry Newn, Charles Newport, William Newton, Henry Newton, Joseph Nibbs, Charles Nicholas, Henry Nicholas, William George Nicholls, Benjamin Nicholls, John Nicholls, Thomas Nicholls, William Nicholson, Oliver Nicholson, William Nicholson, William Atwell Nicklin, John Nicklin, William Ninmin, Joshua Ninness, John Nobbs, Alfred Nobes, William Noble, Martha Jane Noel, Francis Clements Nookes, Joseph Norkett , Alfred Norkett, William Norman, Maria Norman, Thomas Norris, Henry Norris, William Norton, Alfred Norton, Alfred Norton, Benjamin Norton, William Nother, John Notting, Isaac Noyes, Charles Nuthall, Thomas O'Neal, Mary Ann Oakley, William Oakshott, Benjamin Oakshott, Walter Old, Herbert Oldford, Samuel Olding, Jane Oliver, Amos Oliver, Charles Oliver, Edward Oliver, James Oliver, Thomas Oliver, Thomas Oliver, William Benry Olley, George Ollis, James Ollis, Matthias Ollis, William Osborne, William Osgood, George Osgood, William Oughten, Daniel Outen, Charles Outen, James Outridge, William Owen, John Owen, William Owen, William Oxenham, George Oxenham, John Oxford, James Pack, Jacob Phamphilus Padbury, Theophilus Paddon, Samuel Padfield, Henry Padgen, John Padwick, Henry Pafford, Henry Pafford, Samuel Page, Elizabeth Page, Henry Page, John Abraham Page, Philip Paine, William Painter, Thomas Palmer James Palmer James Palmer John Palmer, Ann Palmer, Benjamin Palmer, Daniel Palmer, George Palmer, George Palmer, Jeremiah Palmer, John Palmer, John Palmer, Joseph Palmer, William Pannell, George Pannell, Henry Pantony, William Parker, George Parker, Jeremiah Parker, Joseph Parker, Phillip Parker, Richard Parker, Samuel Parker, Samuel Parker, Thomas Parker, William Parkyns, Edward Parkyns, William Parmiter, Philip Parnell, Ann Parnell, George Parnell, George Parnell, James Parnell, James Parnell, John Clarke Parnell, Joseph Parnell, Joseph Parnell, Reuben Parnell, William Parr, Gilbert Parr, Joseph Parrott, Eliza Parsons, Thomas Parsons, Timothy Partridge, William Passingham, John Patey, Joseph Patterson, George Andrew Patterson, William Paul, Joseph Payne, Charles Payne, Charles Frederick Mortimore Payne, George Payne, George Payne, Henry Payne, Henry Payne, James Payne, James Payne, Jane Payne, John Payne, John Payne, John Payne, Joseph Payne, Joseph Henry Payne, Lucy Payne, William Payne, William Payne, William Peace, Valentine Peach, Edward Peach, Edward Thomas Pearce, Charlotte Pearce, Edwin Gad Pearce, George Pearce, George Pearce, Grace Pearce, Henry Pearce, Henry Pearce, Henry Pearce, John Pearce, Randall Pearce, Sarah Pearce, Walter Pearce, William Pearce, William Pearce, William Pearce, William Pearce, William Pearcey, Henry Pearman, Caroline Pearsoli, William Pearson, Charles Pedwell, Elias Peel, Charles Peel, David Peel, Edward Penfold, David Penicott, James Penn, William Penning, William Penny, James Percival, Thomas Perfect, George Perman, Frank Perrian, William Perriton, William Perry, Frederick Jesse Perry, Mary Ann Perry, William Pescott, William Peters, John Peters, Thomas Peters, Thomas Peterson, John Pettett, Louisa Pettitt, Francis Petty, Henry Petty, William Pharoah, George Phayre, Frederick Richard Phillips, Albert Phillips, Charlotte Phillips, George Phillips, George Phillips, Hannah Phillips, Henry Phillips, Henry Phillips, Joe Phillips, John Phillips, Mary Ann Phillips, Richard Phillips, Thomas Phillips, William Pickernell, Sarah Picknell, Thomas Pike, James Pilberry, John Pilcher, William Pillman, Richard Pillow, John William Davis Pinchen, Charles Pinhorn, Thomas Pink, Charles Pink, Henry Pinnock, Thomas Piper, Thomas Pitman, Charles Pitman, George Pitman, John Richard Pitt, John Pittis, David Pittis, Richard Matthew Pitway, John Plank, John Platt, Charles Platt, George Pledge, David Pledge, James Plowman, Henry Plum, Joseph Plumley, John Plummer, Charles Plummer, John Henry Ply, Robert Poe, Leonard Pointer, Charles Polhill, John Pollard, James W. Pond, Leonard Pook, John Poole, Joseph Poor, George Poor, George Poor, John Poor, Mary Ann Poor, William Poor, William Pope, James Pope, Joseph Port, Henry Port, James Stephen Porter, Alfred Porter, George Porter, Henry Porter, Joseph Porter, Robert Porter, William Porter, William Charles Potter, Andrew Potter, George Potter, William Pottinger, Robert Pottle, Eliza Poucher, James Poulden, James John Povey, John Powell, George Powell, George Powell, John Powell, John Powell, John Powell, Michael Powell, William Powell, William Prankard, Joseph Pratt, Edward Pratt, Edward Pratt, Francis Pratt, John Pratt, Joseph Pratt, Thomas Pratt, Thomas James Pratt, William Pressey, James Thomas Preston, Edward Preston, William Pretty, John Price, Charles Price, George Price, Julia Price, Sarah Price, William Priestly, Thomas Primmer, William Prince, Charles Prince, Edward Prince, Henry Prince, James Prior, George Prior, William Pritchard, Amos Pritchard, Charles Pritchard, Frederick Privett, James Prout, Amelia Prout, John Pryor, Thomas Pullen, Edward Pullen, James Pullen, Robert Pully, James Punchard, Henry Punshon, Thomas Henry Puntis, Edward Purcell, George Purchase, Ann Purchase, John Purchase, William Purday, George Purkis, Charles Purkis, James Purkis, John Purkis, Samuel Purkis, William Purkis, William Pusey, James Pycroft, James Quinnell, Eliza Quinnell, William Quinton, Edward Quinton, Edward Quinton, John Quinton, Robert Manning Quinton, Thomas Rabbits, William Rackett, Caleb Radmann, Mary Ragg, Charles Raggatt, William Ralph, Charles Ralph, John Ralph, Maria Ralph, Robert Rammage, Joseph Rance, Elias Randall, Sarah Randell, James Randell, John Ranger, John Rann, George Ratcliffe, William Rattenbury, James Rawkins, George Rawlings, Charles Rawlings, Charles Rawlings, John Rawlings, Thomas Ray, Charles Ray, George Ray, Henry Ray, Mary Ann Raymond, James Raymond, Susan Rayner, Barnabus Rayner, Thomas Rayner, William Raynham, John Read, Amelia Read, Ann Read, William Reading, Alfred Reading, John Redman, Henry Redpath, William Reed, David Reed, George Reed, Isaac Reed, John Reed, John Reed, Jonathan Reed, Jonathan Reed, Rhoda Reed, Richard Reed, Sarah Reed, Silas Reeks, George Reeks, George Reeves, Edward Reeves, George Reeves, Richard William Reeves, William Reeves, William Renn, William Rentowl, Alfred Restall, Charle Restall, Edward Restall, George Restall, George Thomas Restall, Peter Restall, Thomas Revans, John Revans, William Revell, William Revens, William Rex, William Rex, William Reynold, Leetham Reynolds, Anthony Reynolds, Edmunds Reynolds, Edward Reynolds, Robert Rich, Charles Richard, Thomas Richards, Edwin Richards, George Richards, James Richards, John Richards, John Richards, Joseph Richards, Joseph Richards, Joseph Richards, Michael Staunton Richards, Samuel Richards, William Richards, William Richards, William Richardson, Ann Richardson, George Richardson, James Richardson, William Richie, Mary Amelia Rickman, William Ricks, William Riddell, Alexander Riddett, Elizabeth Riddett, James Ridditt, John Rider, Charles Ridge, Charles Ridley, Thomas Ridlington, Henry John Ridlington, William Ridont, Isaac Ridout, Frederick Riglar, Thomas Riley, James Riley, Richard Ripiner, Stephen Rippon, John Rippon, William Roach, John Robbins, Eliza Robbins, James Robbins, William Robbinson, Hannah Roberts, George Roberts, James Roberts, John Roberts, Mark Roberts, Thomas Roberts, William Roberts, William Thomas Robins, Benjamin George Robins, Thomas Robins, William Henry Robinson, Charles Robinson, Charles Robinson, James Abraham Robinson, John Robinson, Samuel Robinson, Sutcliffe Robinson, William Rock, Joseph Samuel Rockett, James Roffey, John Roger, George Rogers, Edwin James Rogers, George Rogers, George Rogers, James Rogers, John Rogers, John Hulbert Rogers, Mary Ann Rogers, William Rogers, William Rollings, James Rolls, Joseph Rolls, William Henry Rook, Alfred Rook, Edward Rook, Edward Roper, George Rose, Alfred Rose, Stephen Rose, William Ross, Samuel Rouse, Albert Routliffe, William Rowe, Maria Rowe, Stephen Rowland, John Rowley, George Rowse, Henry Rowsell, Henry Roxburgh, William Rudd, Samuel Ruffell, Annie Rumbell, Wiliam Rumeus, Thomas Rummey, Ellen Rundle, Joseph Rundle, William Henry Russel, James Russel, William Russel, William Russell, Charles Russell, James Russell, John Ruston, Henry Frederick Rutham, Charles Rutledge, Samuel Rutter, Edward Rutter, Richard Ryves, James
house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house 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house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house 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house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house 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16, Copenhagen street 47, Prospect road Stamshaw lane 78, Hertford street 127a, Lake road 2, Bedford street 18, Lake road 12, Arnaud street Kingston road 72, Conway street 74, Conway street 24, Hampshire street Kingston road 69, Wingfield street 65, Kingston road 19, Grafton street Stamshaw lane 69, Amelia street Mill lane, Mile end Garrison view 20, Thomas street 64, Staunton street 289, Commercial road 8, Staunton street 25, Sea view, Rudmore 11 Regent's place 3, Gladstone street 33 Maitland street Stamshaw Garrison view 30, All Saints' road 43, Church street 406, Commercial road 67, Staunton street 12, Adelaide street Simpson road 50, Bedford street 49, Hertford street St. Stephen's road 438, Commercial road 4, Albert street 39, Church street Rudmore road 30, Oxford street 360, Commercial road 12, All Saints' road 329, Commercial road 55, Lake road 20, Clarence street St. Mary's road 120, Grafton street 81, Charlotte street 18, Conway street 78, Grafton street 18, Duncan street 45, Victoria. street 33, Wingfield street 76, Oxford street 25, Hope street 7, New street, New road 94, Hertford street 13, Ridge street 16, Hampshire street 5, Copnor road 6, Copnor road 45, All Saints' road 303, Commercial road 33, Chalton street 9, Amelia street 52, Maitland street 78, Grafton street 167, Commercial road 167, Commercial road Beeston street 60, Kingston road 65, Lake road Kingston crescent North end Cressy place 51, All Saints' road Finsbury street Kingston crescent St. Mary's Road 28, Seymour street St. Mary's road Malthouse lane 1, Young's court 385, Commercial road 9, New street, Buckland 11, New road 71, Prince's street 12. Albion place 10, Cottage view 15, Staunton street 471, Commercial road Meadow street Elm lane Queen's road 10, Victoria street 19, North street Malthouse lane 25, Maitland street 35, Albert street Lion Gate road 23, Conway street Simpson road 1, New road 41, Thomas street North end 441, Commercial road 303, Lake road Kingston road 83, Hertford street Kingston crescent Stamshaw lane 40, Hampshire street 39, Maitland street 76, Maitland street 35, Trafalgar street 8, North cross street Kingston road 26, Kettering terrace 54, Kettering terrace North end 36, Duncan street 54, Bedford street 14, Moore's square 27, Copenhagen street 16, Church street 139, Commercial road 444, Commercial road 441, Commercial road 98, Hertford street 7, Kingston terrace 43, Abercrombie street 115, Kingston road 25, Duke street 1, Nile street 548, Commercial road 8, Fourth street 11, Adelaide street North road Queen's road Queen's road St. Stephen's road 37, Albert street 14, Little Charlotte street 7, Buckingham place 23, Regent place Binstead, road 239, Lake road St. Stephen's road 209, Lake road 23, Adelaide road 29, Maitland street 76, Baker street 15, St. Mary's street 11, Moore's square 6, Chelsea place la, Seymour street Emanuel street 7, Belmore cottages 95, Lake road 27, Lake road 108, Hertford street 11, Portsea view 7, The Arcade 6, Copenhagen street Queen's road 3, Arnaud street 33, Trafalgar street 7, Arnaud street 15, Charlotte street St. Mary's road 1, Copenhagen street South road 16, Albert street Emanuel street 19, Alfred terrace 171, Lake road 29, Gladstone street 26, Ebenezer terrace, 39, Albion place Meadow street 11, Ridge street 28, Trafalgar street 16, Thomas street 3, Sydney place 9, Grafton street 28, Buckland road 63, Lake road 22, Clarence street 22, Staunton street 29, Nile street Garrison view 29, Staunton street Kingston road 43, Hertford street 9, Seymour street 18, Frederick street 317, Commercial road 29, Buckland road 390, Commercial road Cherry garden fields 34, Grafton street 21, Abercrombie street Arnaud street South road 12, Victoria street 56, Staunton street 63, Staunton street 3, Bedford street Kingston road 70, Kingston road Queen's road 49, Victoria street 64, Duke street 301, Lake road 15, Buckland road 21, Sydney place 8, Kingston terrace 19, Frederick street 6, Norfolk place 52, Abercrombie street 144, Staunton street 34, Hope street 1, Ridge street Beeston street 1, Adelaide terrace 12, Finsbury street 10, Duncan street 15, Trafalgar street Simpson road St. Stephen's road 21, Amelia street 19, Abercrombie street 7, Spring street 40, Regent place 18, Wingfield street 241, Lake road 10, Wingfield street 1, Buckland street 193, Lake road 50, Gladstone street Stanley street 8, Belmore cottage 34, Landport street 15, Landport view 3, Baker street 7, Copnor Malthouse lane Queen's road 7, Albert street Mushroom street 15, Derby road 2, North cross place 32 1/2, Hertford street 1, Lake road 16, Ebenezer terrace 8, Stamshaw lane 27, Herbert street 21, Gladstone street 17, Wellington place 71, Duke street 31, Gladstone street Prince's terrace 11, South road 18, Church street 3, Merry row 23, All Saints' road 96, Oxford street Wellington place 42, Regent place 6, Wellington place 25, Baker street 22, Wellington place 121, Charlotte street 28, Regent place Emanuel street Buckland road 21, Rudmore, road 19, Buckland street 75, Lake road 13, Buckland street Simpson road 30, Nile street 59, Maitland street 41, Hampshire street 1, Regent place 24, Buckland road North end 44, Maitland street 87, Wingfield street Elm lane Simpson road 8, Wingfield street 6, Wingfield street Simpson road 50, John street 52 Kettering terrace 89, Hertford street 165, Lake road 17, St. Mary's street 36, Buckland street 34, Buckland street 26, Chance street 32, Abercrombie street 74, Staunton street 45, Staunton street 78, Wingfield steet 42, Albert street 50, Buckland street 19, Providence place 19, Staunton street 398, Commercial road Queen's road 520, Commercial road Binstead road 67, Kingston road Elm terrace 13, Pitt street 3, Regent place Flying bull lane St. Mary's road 13, Finsbury street 56, Chance street 18, Hampshire street Elm lane 550, Commercial road 16, South road 7, Providence terrace, George street 5, Ellis court 12, Copnor 19, Sydney place 19, Hertford street 19, Charlotte street Derby road 2, George street, Mile end 346, Fratton road 10, Buckland road 1, Bedford street 17, Victoria street 26, Herbert street St. Mary's road Queen's road Kingston crescent 7, Little Charlotte street 37, Kingston road 14, Arnaud street 53, Nile street 5, Kingston terrace 126, Staunton street 41, Hope street 524, Commercial road 35, Grafton street 74, Maitland street 31, Albion street Stamshaw lane 33, Thomas street 12, Spring street 118, Wingfield street 12, Spring street 5, Fifth street 64 Prospect road 21, Prospect road North end 41, Wingfield street 33, Duke street 13, Albert street 49, Albion street 13, Port sea view 11, Prince's street 8, Albert street 19, Duncan street 17, Adelaide street 25, All Saints' road 12, Kingston terrace 1, Stamshaw lane 63, Oxford street 40, Amelia street 6, Bedford street North end 34, Baker street Moore's square 90, Hertford street 91, Kingston road 57, Hertford street 26, Gladstone street Hampshire street Queen's road 30, Cosham street 23, Victoria street 27, Arnaud street 17, Lake road 20, Sydney place 60, Gladstone street 1, All Saints' road 12, Ketterring terrace 9, Sydney place 29, John street Queen's road North end 5, Little Charlotte street 24, Prospect road Kingston road 10, Moore's square 13, Chance street 62, Clarence street 10, Charlotte street 175, Commercial road 83, Staunton street 427, Commercial road 8, Stanley road 4, Buckingham place George street, Mile end 40, Buckland street 82, Maitland street 69, Duke street North end 20, Grafton street 22, Wingfield street 5, Abercrombie street 38, Grafton street 458, Commercial road 86, Great Prospect place 29, Prospect road 189, Lake road 514, Commercial road 54, Herbert street 70, Prince's street 22, Church street 6, South road 16, Sydney place 16, Rudmore road 1, Buckingham place 1, Manor place 47, Bedford street 12, Wellington place 42, Hertford street 25, Moore's square Derby road 6, Cottage view 74, Staunton street 48, Charlotte street 21, Chalton street 12, Sydney place 16, Kensington terrace 18, Cressy place Kingston crescent 49, Lake road Binstead road 3, Hertford street 235, Lake road 35, Clarence street 11, Holyrood terrace, St. Mary's road 58, Oxford street 371, Commercial road Kingston crescent Rudmore 40, Bedford street St. Mary's road 63, Charlotte street 536, Commercial road Kingston crescent 6, Finsbury street Twyford road St. Stephen's road 6, John's street Queen's road 55, Abercrombie street Spring cottage, Ebenezer terrace 153, Wingfield street 29, Great Prospect road Emanuel street Vicar row, Thomas street 6, Collingwood place 67, Maitland street 29, Chance street 48, Regent place 108, Oxford street Finsbury street 9, Adelaide street 1, New street, New road 16, John street 44, Buckland street 45, Maitland street 24, Trafalgar street 27, John street 14, Beeston street 7, Stamshaw lane 28, Arnaud street North end 215, Lake road 23, New street Kingston crescent 193, Commercial road 76, Wingfield street St. Stephen's road 24, Duncan street 17, Landport view 32, Chalton street 13, Albion place 17, Clarence street 2, Frederick street 63, Duke street 64, Wingfield street 98, Staunton street 40, Albert street 42, Hope street 2, Buckingham place St. Mary's road 6, Manor place 277, Lake road 3, Lion Gate road 99, Wingfield street Gamble lane 31, Chance street 14, Hope street 11, Baker street 58, Ketterring terrace 23, Baker street St. Mary's road 2, Fifth street 1, Grafton street St. Stephen's road 17, Rudmore place 40, Seymour street Elm lane 41, Duke street 65, Charlotte street 23, Chance street 4, Chapel view 60, Arnaud street 22, Ridge street 24, Landport view 74, Oxford street 15, North street 52, Oxford street 32, John street 2, George's street St. Mary's road 24, Oxford street 79, Wingfield street 47, Wingfield street 6, Parker's place, Conway street 50, Bedford street Binstead road 20, Sea view, Rudmore Arnaud street 22, Hope street 530, Commercial road 199, Lake road Cornwall terrace, Kingston road 67, Albion street Little Charlotte street 72, Charlotte street 7, Hope Street 304, Commercial road 13, Wingfield street 7, Maitland street 42, Herbert street 237, Lake road 45, Prospect road 81, Wingfield street 10, All Saints' road 6, New row Landport 62 Adelaide street 17, Clarence street Simpson road 13, Kingston road Malthouse lane 10, Prospect road 17, New road 12, Albert street 20, Albert street 119, Wingfield street 44, Wingfield street 12, Cosham street 36, Arnaud street Pye street 10, Providence place 20, Kettering terrace 53, Clarence street 15, Stoke street 285, Commercial road 295, Lake road 2, Copenhagen street 57, Abercrombie street 21 St. Mary's street 51, Trafalgar street 63, Maitland street 60, Oxford street 5, Providence place, Nile street 26, Frederick street 146, Staunton street 36, Oxford street Crimea place Prince's street Simpson road Simpson road 103, Lake road 13, Rudmore road 29, Grafton street 125, Wingfield street 50, Trafalgar street 14, The Arcade 2, Albion street 59, Clarence street 48, Victoria street Malthouse lane 73, Maitland street 13, Sultan street 470, Commercial road Rudmore 120, Staunton street 283, Commercial road 32, Baker street 56, Oxford street 14, Buckland road 26, Bedford street 8, Chelsea place 34, Prospect road Twyford road 10, Arnaud street Commercial road 56, Wingfield street 19, Beeston street 22, Kettering terrace 73, Clarence street 383, Commercial road 132, Staunton street 381, Commercial road 1, Sydney place 6, Adelaide street London road 4, Conway street St. Stephen's road 11, Providence place 19, Prospect road 19, Cottage view 45, Kingston road 20, Fifth street 101, Lake road 22, Kingston road 23, Herbert street Stamshaw lane 26, Victoria street 32, Amelia street 7, Arnaud street London road Cosham street 466, Commercial road 5, Collingwood place 9, All Saints' road 24, Lake road 43, Grafton street 89, Hertford street 1, Vicar row, Thomas street 3, Copenhagen street Seymour street 3, Regent's place 46, Grafton street 9, Beeston street 52, Charlotte street 25, Copenhagen street 263, Commercial road 16, Hampshire 24, Victoria street 31, Trafalgar street 19, Church street 68, Kingston road 13, Chapel view 6, Little George street 9, Hope street 31, Buckland street 72, Oxford street 52, Hope street 37, Amelia street 50, All Saints road Malthouse lane 7, Oxford street 14, Gladstone street Binstead road 450, Commercial road 53, Kingston road 43, Amelia street 32, Bedford street 7, All Saints' road 10, Little Charlotte street 46, John street 99, Staunton street 41, All Saints' road 78, Oxford street Hertford street 416, Commercial road 73, Lake road 92, Oxford street 34, Kingston road 75, Prince's street 179, Commercial road 30, John street 11, Arnaud street 387, Commercial road 42, Wingfield street 36, Gladstone street 91, Oxford street 48, Hampshire street 27, Hampshire street 3, Spring street 21, Gladstone street 4, Trafalgar street St. Stephen's road 46, Hampshire street 288, Commercial road 27, Victoria street 18, Spring street 64, Baker street 5, Parker's place, Conway street 417, Commercial road 15, Lake road 100, Wingfield street Queen street, Mile end 17, All Saints' road 8, Holyrood terrace, St. Mary's road 39, Hampshire street 122, Wingfield street 353, Commercial road 436, Commercial road 15, Beeston street 151, Commercial road 34, Hertford street 49, Hope street 110, Hertford street 46, Oxford street 18, Bedford street 51, Nile street 13, Albert street 21, Little Charlotte street Gladstone street Elm lane 21, Lake road 41, Charlotte street 27, Charlotte street 10, Frederick street 36, Hope street 1, Buckland road 424a, Commercial road 30, Charlotte street Prince's terrace 6, Clarence street 30, Kingston road 298, Commercial road 183, Lake road 34, Duke street 108, Grafton street 2, Buckland street 9, Hertford street 45, Chalton street 7, Stoke street 312, Commercial road 271, Lake road 51, Ad elaide street 26, Oxford street 2, Cottage view Abercrombie street 60, Hope street Commercial road 11, Manor place 15, Duncan street 22, Baker street 29, Sea view, Stamshaw 25, Frederick street All Saints' street St. Stephen's road 13, St. Mary's street 73, Charlotte street 47, Amelia street Finsbury street 429, Commercial road 1, Cliefe's row 12, Manor place 61, Kingston road 27, Clarence street 12, Landport view 10, Chelsea place Derby road 63, Albion street 56, Duke street 136, Staunton Street 19, Trafalgar street 13, Maitland street Simpson road 8, John street Pembroke cottage, Ebenezer terrace Stamshaw lane 4, Finsbury street Holyrood Terrace, St. Mary's road 29, Conway street 1, Hertford street 54, Duke street 82, Wingfield street Church street 8, Duncan street 3, Basin street 112, Kingston road 126, Wingfield street 43, Staunton street Elm lane 29, Regent place 47, Baker street, 13, Rudmore road 42, Church street 16, Providence place 23, Hope street 32, Maitland street 41, Staunton street 39, Maitland street 68, Clarence street 78, Gladstone street 45, Staunton street 231, Commercial road 37, Nile street 5, Maitland street 8, Chapel view Grafton Street 36, Hampshire street Malthouse lane 75, Maitland Street 5, North end terrace 6, Vicar row, Thomas street 46, Gladstone street 22, Buckland road 8, Fifth street 80, Oxford street 38, John street 12, Maitland street 2, Stoke street 16, Cottage view 23, Spring street 21, Hampshire road 97, Oxford street 73, Prince's street North end 4, Chalton street 60, All Saints road 22, Prospect road 35, Kingston road 169, Commercial road 4, Ridge place, Ridge street 1, Fourth street St. Mary's road 105, Oxford street 9, Baker street 63, Lake road 83, Charlotte street 21, Thomas street North end 2, Herbert street 37, John street 1, Kingston crescent 47, Albion street 282, Commercial road Emanuel street 51, Gladstone street 4, Clarence street 17, Frederick street 179, Commercial road Moore's square 56, Amelia street Kingston crescent 41, Albert street Rudmore field Victoria street 39, Lake road 104, Grafton street 25, Chapel row 18, Grafton street 3, Prince's street Stamshaw lane 69, Charlotte street 29 1/2, Abercrombie street 52, All Saints' road St. Stephen's road St. Mary's road 41, Victoria street 48, Conway street Twyford road 145, Commercial road 62, Duke street 41, Hertford street 8, Basin street 4, Young's court 1, Young's court 74, Wingfield street 40, Adelaide street 17, John street 50, Prince's street Copnor 275, Lake road 52, Clarence street 106, Wingfield street Mushroom lane 48, Spring street 3, Chapel view 14, Albert street 55, Hope street 11, All Saints' street 42, Adelaide street 225, Commercial road 36, Kingston road 92, Staunton street 453, Commercial road St. Stephen's road 23, Maitland street Twyford road Wingfield street 4, Buckland street Queen's road 2, Pitt street. 56, Staunton street North road 39, Nile street Adelaide street Queen's road All Saints' street 56, St. Stephen's road 5, Adelaide street 9, John street Finsbury street Derby road 117, Charlotte street 7, Sydney place 2, Trafalgar street Copnor 11, Fifth street 28, Grafton street 13, Frederick street 30, Frederick street Stamshaw lane 84, Staunton street 56, Staunton street 28, Adelaide street 25, Clarence street Trafalgar street Simpson road 16, Amelia street 16, Maitland street 17, Gladstone street 68, Maitland street 11, Sultan street 26, Abercrombie street South road Thomas street Kingston road 217, Commercial road 37, Chance street 57, Amelia street 10, Chalton street 7, Chalton street 66, Grafton street 7, Chalton street 32, Frederick street 5, Wingfield street Winton house, North end 8, Prospect road Twyford road 296a, Commercial road Queen's road 33, Moore's square 43, Herbert street 7, Manor place 18, Emanuel street Garrison view Prince's place North end 7, New road 48, Adelaide street 9, Arnaud street 337, Commercial road 7, Cosham street 9, Rudmore place 8, Bedford street Seymour street North end 138, Staunton street 45, Wingfield street Simpson road 116, Grafton street 17, Maitland street 308, Commercial road North end 11, Baker street 31, Bedford street 27, Church street 12, Amelia street 19, Spring street 7, North cross street Emanuel street Kingston crescent 421, Commercial road 423, Commercial road 4, Amelia street 9, St. Mary's street 51, Oxford street 4, Chelsea place 30, Baker street 39, John street 157, Kingston road 18, Providence place 90, Maitland street 87, Staunton street 30, Amelia street 7, Waterloo place Commercial road 35, Gladstone street 77, Duke street 59, Duke street Rudmore square 26, Charlotte street 68, Baker street Derby road 62, Staunton street Simpson road Rudmore 1, Oxford street 57, Grafton street Kingston crescent 13, Prospect road 33, John street Queen's street 20, Spring street Kingston crescent Commercial road 20, John street North end London road Prince's place 44, Ridge street 53, Hope street 7, Frederick street 22, Rudmore road 28, All Saints' road 280, Commercial road 32, Kingston road 24, Church street 14, Cottage view 43, Albert street 16, Albert street 2, Edward's court, Oxford street Simpson road 5, Waterloo place Seymour street 5, Thomas street 5, Ridge street Hampshire street 69, Lake road 4, Merry row St. Stephen's road 71, Gladstone street 17, John street 77, Clarence street 50, Wingfield street 18, Thomas street Byerley street 73, Wingfield street 44, Hope street 2, Landport view 27, New road 283, Lake road 65, Prince's street 8, Baker street 56, Prince's street 24, Arnaud street 433, Commercial road Stamshaw lane 31, Oxford street 61, Staunton street 86, Maitland street All Saints' road 9, Alfred terrace Copnor