Abbott, Elizabeth Abbott, George Airs, Alfred Airs, Henry, jun. Airs, Henry, sen. Alexander, Harriett, Matilda Allberry, Harriett Allen, Mary Ann Allen, William Allen, William Frederick Amatt, George Ambler, John Andrews, George Andrews, George Andrews, Jane Andrews, Jeremiah Andrews, John Pearce Angell, William Anscombe, Edmund Antill, John Dowland Appleford, Isaac Archer, Robert Armstrong, Fredk. John Armstrong, James Armstrong, John Armstrong, Thomas Arnold, Jabez Arnold, John Ash, Elizabeth Ash, Robert Ashdowne, Charles Ashdowne, George Attwood, Edward Avenell, John Avery, George Avery, John Aylen, Thomas Bacchus, Mary Ann Backler, George Bailey, Charles Holloway Bailey, Edward Bailey, Joseph Bailey, Leigh Lessingham Godfrey Bailey, Newman Lessingham Baker, Elizabeth Ann Baker, John Baker, Mary Ann Baker, Thomas Baker, William Baker, William Ballard, George Ballard, John Ballard, Matthew Barber, Henry Barker, Abraham Barnard, Edward Barnard, Edward Barnes, Cornelius Barnes, Edward Barnes, Elias Barnes, William Barratt, Harriett Barratt, James Barron, Mark Bartlett, Daniel Bartlett, Elizabeth Bartlett, Richard Bartlett, Thomas Bartley, Mary Bascombe, Elizabeth Batchellor, William Bates, Emma Bath, Margaret Bath, Thomas Battersley, Mary Ann Bawden, John Richard Bayne, Andrew Beck, George Maurice Beckingham, William Bell, Edward William Benham, John Bennet, William Bennett, Eli Bennett, Richard Bennett, Robert Hoskin Besant, William Bevan, Edward Bevis, James Bignell, Charles John Bignell, John Binstead James Bishop, Reuben Black, Charles Blake, Alfred Starling Blake, Edward Blake, James Blundell, George Elford Blythe, Mary Bolger, John Bolitho, Henry Walter Bond, Thomas Bore, William Borrowes, Walter Bovill, Samuel Bowers, Charles Bowsher, George Bowyer, Jelin Bowyer, Richard Boxall, Thomas Bramble, Benjamin Bramble, James Branton, James Branton, Mary Ann Bray, William Brewer, Albert Brewer, James Brice, James Bricknell, Thomas Bridgen, Henry Bright, William Broadhead, Mary Brodie, Jane Bromley, Robert Brown, Charlotte Brown, George Copping Brown, Henry Brown, John Brown, John Brown, John Thomas Brown, William Peter Browning, Harriett Brownjohn, James Bryant, Henry Bryant, Henry Charles Bubb, Laura Buckley, Phoebe Budden, George Henry Buff, Thomas Bull, Emma Buncombe, Edward Bunt, Sarah E. Burge Henry Burgess, John Burke, Edward Burnett, Joseph Burnett, Sarah Burnett, William Burton, James Burton, Mary Ann Burton, Refrain Burton, Susan Bushell, Charles Butcher, John Butler, Maria Butt, James Button, Joseph Button, Robert Byerley, Isaac Cable, Alfred Caddesney, Ellen Cahill, Michael Calcott, Albert Callagham, James Cameron Mary Ann Cane, Eliza Carliell, Thomas Carter, Henry Cavender, Samuel Chamberlain, Charles Chambers, John Chambers, William Grant Chapman, John Chapman, William Charpentier, Thadeus Cheeseman, John Joseph Cheesemanl Robert Chessell, Maria Chinneworth, Matilda Chipp, Cornelius Chiverton, William James Churcher, Robert Clack, William Clarke, Charles Clarke, George Clarke, George Clarke, James Clarke, William Clay, Joseph Claydon, Thomas Clemments, Charles Clewatt, James Clies, Charles Clue, George May Cocks, James Cocks, John Cohen, Caspar Coke, Henry Cole, James Cole, Maria Colebrook, William Collins, Henry Collins, Mary Collins, Richard Collins, Robert Comlay, Mary Ann Connell, William Cook, Henry Durant Coombes, Elizabeth Cooper, John Copus, George Corban, Henry Cotton, Rebecca Cousins, Jonn Ward Cousins, William Cousins, William Couzens, Mary Cowper, James Cox, Fabian Cox, George Cox, George Cox, Henry Cox, James Craig, Robert Crampton, John Crawley, Ann Crawley, Margaret Cray, Eliza Crelin, Richard Cripps, Thomas Croad, John Croker, Hannah Croucher, Ann Crowson, Jane Cuddemore, William Cunningham, Sarah Cunningham, Susannah Kidd Cunningham, Thomas Curran, John Curry, Thomas Curtis, George Curtis, Jane Curwood, John Cuthburt, John Dadd, John Dale, William Dallismer, James Damp, William Dance, William Daniell, James William Daniell, Michael Dash, Edward Dashwood, James Davenport, William Davey, Edward Davidge, Barbara Davidson, Elizabeth Davis, Charles Davis, Hannah Davis, William Davis, William Henry Day, William Dayman, Joseph Dickson Issabella Diddhams, Fanny Diddhams, William Dilke, Joseph Dipnall, Alexander Dolphin, Daniel Edward Donnovan, James Dorey, George Dorrell, David Dorrity, Thomas Dowd, Uriah Dowles, Mercy Downton, Mary Ann Drake, Job Drew, William Driscoll, Dennis Drummond, Richard Duke, Alfred Henry Dunn, Archibald Dyer, James Somers Eades, Thomas Earley, Patrick Eason, Richard Comeley Easton, James Echlin, Sarah Edmonds, John Edmonds, William Edwards, John Elford, Matthew Samuel John Elkins, Horatio Charles Elliott, Beynon Elliott, James Elliott, Samuel Elliott, Sarah Ellis, Elizabeth Ellis, William Emanuel, Emanuel Emanuel, Henry Michael Emanuel, Phoebe Emery, William Evans, David Evans, Joshua Evans, Thomas Fredk Eveleigh, William Everett, Maria Every, Robert Fabian, James Fancey, James Farley, William Feltham, Charles Fenn, Thomas Fleming, Sarah Flood, Henry Flowers William Flowers, Rebecca Fogwill, Rogers Foley, Thomas Foot, George Forbes, Samuel Darley Ford, Archibald Ford, Jane Ford, Sarah Ford, William Forsyth, William Foster, Robert Franklin, John Franks, Benjamin Fraser, John Fraser, Thomas Friedeberg, Jacob Friedeberg, Lewis Frielach, Frederick Elias Frowhein, Jacob Otto Fry, Alfred Fryer, George Fryer, William Fuidge, Henry Game, George Garcia, Arthur Gardner, James Gardner, John Gardner, John Garnett, William Garratt, John Garratt, Mary Garrington, Arthur Merrefield George, William Germain, Charles Gerrie, John Gibbs Edwin Giles, George Gillham, James Gillies, John Forbes Gittens, John Glanville, William Goble, Henry Goddard, Charles Gomes, Robert Goodey, James Goodfellow, Margaret Gosling, William Gould, Alfred Grant, George Grantham, William Grattage, Sarah Gray, Frank Gray, George Green, Charles Green, David Green, Hannah Green, James Green, Thomas Green, William Greetham, George Gregory, George Griffin, James Griffin, William Grimes, William Grist, William Grosser, Thomas Grossmith Samuel Grubb, Edward Grubb, John Grubb, Thomas Grumbrill, James Guizzan, Timothy Gundry, Frederick Gundry, George Gunner, William Guy, George Hadgcraft, Charles Haigs, Joseph Hales, Ann Hales, Francis Hales, Mary Ann Hales, Thomas Hall, John Selby Hall, Joseph Hamm, Thomas Hammond, Ann Hammond, Emily Harding, Charlotte Harding, Colin Harker, Edward Harman, James Harman, Joseph Harper, Richard Harper, Robert Harris, Cornelius Harris, Henry Harris, Israel Harris, James Harris, Jessie Harris, John Harris, Thomas Hart, Soloman Hart, William Harvey, Edwin John Harvey, George Harvey, William Haslehurst, Charles Haslehurst, George Hastings, David Hatherley, William Hattersley, Emily Hawkins, Charles Hawkins, John Hawkins, John Haynes, Arthur Haysome, Eliza Hayward Louisa Hedditch, Charlotte Hedger, Henry Hedger, James Heineman, William Agustus Helby, Walter, Helby, William Edward Hellyer, James Hellyer, Jessie Hendy, James Hewett, Robert Hewett, William Henry Heyward, Robert Hibbs, Charles Hibbs, James Hickman, Henry Hill, Jemima Hill, Charles Hill, Elizabeth Hill, George Hind, George Hind, Sarah Ann Hiscutt, Charles Hoar, Frederick Hoar, John Hoar, Mary Hobden, George Hockerstein, Nathaniel Frederick Hodder, Elizabeth Hogan, William Holbrook, Arthur Richard Holding, Michael Holding, William Holland, Charlotte Holland, William Hollander, Emil Holloway, George Honey, Sarah Hopkins, George Horne, William Henry Horton, George Hoskins, John Hoskins, Mary Houghton, Henry Hounsome, George Howard, Richard Howell, Thomas Hughes, Ann Hughes, Henry Humby, William Humphreys, William Hurlock, William Hussey, David Hutchins, John Hutson, Andrew Huxford Lydia Huxford, Eliza Hymus Elizabeth Ingram, James Joseph Jacobs, Jacob Jacobs, Jacob Robert Jacobs, Mary Jacobs, Peter Jago, Elizabeth Jameison, John James, Ellen James, Frederick James, John Jarvis, Ann Jeffreys, Sophia Jennings, William Jerram, Nelly Jobbing, John Johnsen, Robert Johnson, Frederick Johnson, James Johnson, Joseph Johnson, Stephen Jones, Frank Jones, Henry Jones, John Jones, Thomas Jordan, Mary Ann Joseph, Frances Joseph, Isaac Joyce, Charles Keats, Charles Keats, Margaret Keelty, Thomas Kelley, Michael Kemp, Henry Kendall, Eliza Kendall, Susan Kent, William Kent, William Luke Kerswell, George Kerwood, Samuel Kiln, Charles King, Alfred King, Andrew King, George King, George Hall King, Joseph King, Joseph William King, Martha King, Moses King, Thomas King, Thomas King, William Kingsbury, Robert Kirton, George Kirton, James Knight, Ann Knight, Henry Angustus Knight, Jane Knight, John Lacey, Mary Laishley, Charles Laishley, Frederick Laishley, Richard Lakeman, Mary Ann Lakeman, Stephen Lamb, James Lambert, Elizabeth Lampard, Stephen Lancaster, George Snow Lancaster, James Lancaster, James Lane, Edwin Lane, George Lane, Henry Lane, Martha Lane, William Langdon, Jane Langford, John Laughlin, William Lavender, Thomas Law, Montague Lawrence, Frederick Lay, Joseph Layton, 'William John Layton, Harry Lee, George Lee, John Leg, William Lenkoske, John Leonard, Matthew Leonard, Michael Lester, George Lewin, William Lewis, Henry Lewis, Henry Lewis, Joseph Lewis, Robert Lewis, Robert Light, Henry Linden, John Lineham, Edward Lintern, John James Loader, Horace Lock, John Loney, Dinah Long, Catherine Long, Henry James Long, Martha Long, Sarah Long, William Henry Lonnon, William Lott, John Loveder, Thomas Lowe, Margaret Lucas, Charles Luck, Elizabeth Ludford, Alfred Luff, William Luke, George Luke, William Lumley, Sarah Lush, Charles Lush, Joseph Lusty, Joseph Lynch, James Lyons, Thomas Maddick, James Maddon, John Manning, William Marks, Alice Marks, James Marks, William Marr, Mary Ann Marsh, Benjamin Marsh, George Marsh, Henry Marsh, Henry Marsh, Mary Marshall, Matthew Marshallsay, Benjamin Marshman, Mary Martell, Edwin Martin, Elizabeth Martin, John Martin, Mary Martin, Mary Ann Martin, William Marvin, Edward F. Marvin, Edward Olando Mason, Henry Mason, Thomas Matthews, Henry Matthews, Robert Matthews, William Mault, Thomas Maxted, Henry McBroom, John McClouty, Matilda McCormick, John McCourt, Robert McFarlane, William McKeirnan, Peter McKenzie, William McLeod, Amy McLeod, John McLeod, Mary Meades, Henry Menzies, Matilda Messer, James, Midgley, John Miles, Alfred Miles, Alfred Millard, Jane Miller, George Miller, James Miller, Thomas Miller, Thomas Miller, William Milligan, William Mills, Arthur Mills, Charles Mills, John Mills, Joseph William Mills, Wadham Francis Milton, James Mindego, Harriett Mindego, James, Mitchell, Henry Mitchell, Joseph Mitchell, Margaret Mitchell, Mary Ann Mohan, James Moody, James Moore, Charles Moore, Stephen Moorshead, Charles Morey, Joseph Morey, Samuel Morgan, George Thomas Morgan, Thomas Morgan, William Morley, William Morris, Susan Mortimer, Francis Charles Mortimer, William Mortimer, William Mortimer, William Morton, James Moses, Rose Moss, David Moss, John Mott, Andrew Luther Mumby, Charles Murphy, George Murphy, William Mussell, Mary Nance, Fredk. Hutchins Napper, James Nash, Henry Nathan, Henry Naylor, Edward Neal, William Newland, Richard Newman, Alfred Newman, Elizabeth Newman, Mary Ann Newnham, John Norman, Harry Norris, Eliza Norris, Emily O'Shaugnessey, John O'Shea, Mary Ockenden, William Henry Oldfield, Thomas Olding, William Olding,Edward William Orange, Betsy Orley, John James Over, Charles Owens, James Edward Owens, Mary Ann Page, Thomas Palmer, Samuel Christopher Parkinson, Agnes Parks, Mark Anthony Parkyn, Richard Parlett, Henry Thomas Parnell, John Parnell, John Couzcu Parr, Joseph Patrick, Richard Pattenden, Alfred Pattenden, John Patterson, Hugh Payment, William Payne, James Payne, John Pearce, Henry Pearce, William Penn, William Penniall, John Perkins, James Perks, Edward Roger Perrin, George Perry, Charles Perry, Phillip Pervin, William Phillips, Edward Phillips, Isaac Phillips, Thomas Pibworth, James Pickford, John Piggott, Hannah Pike, Louis, Pine, Horatio Pinhorn, John Pirie, Andrew Pook, William Thomas Pope, Robert Popham, Eleanor Porter, George Potts, James Pounds, Henry Powell, Edward Power, Frederick Pratt, Charles Pratt, Frances Preston, Stephen Preston, William Price, Benjamin Price, George, Price, Margaret Prichard, John Prince, Elizabeth Prince, George Prince, George Prince, John Prince, Joseph Prince, William Prior, Charles Prior, Thomas Privett, Henry Puntis, Jane, Purchase, Joseph Purday, Sarah Purnell, Catherine Quick, Joseph Quittenburn, Harriett Rake, George Ralph, Edward Ralph, George Ralph, Simeon Rands, Olive Rands, William Rannie, William Rappaport, Samuel Ratsey, George Edward Ratty, Thomas Rayner, Samuel Read, Henry Redward, William Charles Reece, Alfred Reece, Mary Ann Reed, Ann Reeves, Gabriel Reeves, George Gabriel Revell, George Rewell, George Rice, John Richards, Sophie Richards, Thomas Richardson, George Rickards, Edward Riddett, George Riglar, William Ritchie, William Roberts, Harriett Roberts, James Roberts, Jane Robins, James Robinson, William Robinson, William Rodd, Sarah Rogers, Alfred Rogers, George James Rooms, Henry Rooms, Henry, senior Roper, Charles Rose, William Charles Rowe, James Rowley, Edward Russell, Richard Ryan, Richard Ryder, George Ryder, Richard Sangster, John William Saunders, Andrew Saunders, Kate Saunders, Sarah Sauntry, Dennis Sawyers, John Thomas Saxey, Ann Scarrott, George Scott, Catherine Scott, Henry Scott, James Scott, Joseph Scott, William Scullard, Joseph Scullard, Theophilis Seabourne, Edward Seagrove, Edwin Augustus Seagrove, John William Searley, George Selby, Thomas Serjeant, Elizabeth Shackle, Elizabeth Shaft, James Shaw, William Sheiley, Henry Shein, Thomas Shelton, Mary Ann Shepperd, John Shepperd, Robert Shepperd, Susan Shergold, George Sheridan Michael Sherman, George Sherwood, Thomas Short, Thomas Shotter, William Shoveller, John Carter Shrimpton, James Sibley, Fanny Simes, Henry Simmons, Edward Simmons, Jane Simpson, Sarah Sims, Henry Sivyer, William Skinner, Joseph Skinner, William Slade, Catherine Slade, John James Slade, Thomas Slade, William Slater, Harriett Smith, Alfred Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Frederick Smith, George Smith, George Smith, Henry Smith, James Smith, James Smith, John Smith, John Smith, John Smith, John Titus Smith, John William smith, Joseph Smith, Robert Smith, Robert Francis Smith, William Smyth, Mary Ann Snelling, John Snelling, Thomas Snow, George Sothcott, Henry Southgate, Mary Ann Sparks, Thomas Spraggs, Joseph Stace, Benjamin Stafford, Thomas Stainsby, Ann Maria Stansbury, William Stapleford, John, jun Stares, John Stedman, James Steil, John Stent, Robert Andrew Stevens, Frederick Stevens, George Stevens, James Stevens, John Stevens, Thomas Stevens, William Stewart, Ann Stewart, Harriett Stone, John Stone, Thomas Stovold, Henry Stow, George Street, John Stroud, Mary Styles, Edward Suett, William Suter, Amelia Suter, Henry Symonds, Jane Symons, William Francis Tadwick, Sarah Talbot, Eliza Tammadge, Henry Tammage, Mary Tansey, William Taylor, Edward Taylor, Eliza Taylor, James Taylor, James Taylor, John Taylor, Thomas Taylor, William Taylor, William Teague, George Thackara, James Thomas, David Thomas, Henry Thompson, John Thompson, John Charles Thompson, William Thorpe, John Till, Jemima Tilly, Mary Ann Tilly, William Carey Tink, James Tipple, William Titherington, George Todd, George Toole, Lawrence Henry Totterdell, Matthew George Tout, James Tout, James Tout, Thomas Tracey, Thomas Treadgold, William Trelevean, Mary Tresias, William Tribe, James Triggs, Benjamin Triggs, Benjamin Triggs, William Tryon, William George Tucker, John Tucker, William Tuckey, Kate Tulk, Eliza Tulk, James Tuohy, William Turner, Emily Turner, George Turney, Mary Ann Tyler, William Urry, William Vanhear, James Vaughan, Charles Vaughan, George Verde, Gregory Vile, Oliver Vincent, George Vine, Samuel John Voke, Joseph Voller, Henry Waggener, John Wainscott, John Walden, Ann Waldron, James Waldron, William Waldron, William Boulton Wall, James Wallage, Eliza Wallbridge, William Walsh, John Walsh, Richard Ward, Edward Burke Ward, Emma Ward, George Ward, William Warder, David Ware, Edwin Warn, Jabez Warn, James Warn, James Warren, John Warren, Robert Wassel, Edward Wateridge, Charles Waters, James Watkins, James Watson, Alexander Watson, Mary Ann Watson, Thomas Watts, George Watts, James Watts, Samuel Way, Ann Way, Frederick William Way, William Way, William Augustus Way, William Charles Waycott, Samuel Waylen, Timothy Webb, Charles Webb, Joseph Webb, William Webber, William Wedge, Ann Welch, John Wells, Henry Wells, Mary Wendover, Albert Wendover, George, jun. West, Thomas Westbrook Emma Westbrook, Matthew Westcott, Mark Wheeler, Frederick Wheeler, Mary Ann Whitcombe, Harriet White, Charlotte White, Elizabeth White, Henry White, John White, Peter John White, Robert White, Sarah White, William Whiteman, William Whyham, Maurice Wiles, John Wilkins, Frederick Wilkins, Richard Wilkinson, George Wilkinson, William Williams, Daniel Williams, Edward Williams, George Williams, George Williams, John Williams, Thomas Williams, William Willis, Mary Ann Wills, Thomas Pratt Windebank John Windsor, George Windsor, George Windsor, John Windsor, John Wisdom, William Wooden, William Isaac Woodrow, Alfred Woods, Anne Woods, Edward Woods, William Daniel Woodthorpe, Mary Ann Woodthorpe, William Wooldridge, James Wright, George Wright, Henry Wright, James Wyatt, James Yoell, Isabella Young, Henry Young, John Young, John Young, Louisa Yule, Elizabeth Yuly, Judah Zachariah, Aaron
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22, White's row 24, Hanover street 51, Britain street 12, Hawke street 45, Hawke street 5, Britain street 2, Sun street Widger's court, Havant street 4, Portland street 18, Hay street 15, Union street 8, Smiths' lane 8, Bateman's alley, Kent street 50, Hanover street 2, Mitre alley 38, Lion terrace 49, Union street 1, Albion court, Albion street 31, The Hard 4, Half-moon street 50, Kent street 52, Havant street 5, Wickmam street 3, Bateman's alley, Kent street 2, Bishop's court, Bishop street 6, St. George's passage, Kent street 28, Queen street 41, Queen street 6, Waterman's alley, Havant street 21, Bishop street 52, St. James's street 13, Queen street 44, Queen street 1, Dean street 5, Havant street 13, Sun street 4, Kent street 1, White's court, King's-bench alley 69, Hanover street 25, St. George's square 3, Providence court, Kent street 1, Sun street 16, The Hard 16, The Hard 18, St. James's street 1, Peel place, Havant street 84, Hawke street 51, Kent street 36, Queen street 1, Kent street 13, Albion street 43, Britain street 16, Taylor's court, Britain street 49, Kent street 3, Widger's court Havant street 60, Havant street 14, Wickham street 30, St. George's square 9, Rosemary lane 34, Albion street 56, Queen street 4, Whitehorse alley, Kent street 4, Providence Court, Kent street 14, Ordnance row 30, Havant street 65, St. George's square 13, Kent street 53, Queen street 63, Hanover street 29, Kent street 7, Queen street 48, Hawke street 5, Dean street 7, White's row 5, Frett's court, Smiths lane 30, Britain street 11, College lane 9, Queen street 6, White's Row 25, Lion terrace 32, Britain street 14, Hanover street 8, Hobb's court, Dean street 4, Duff's court, Hanover street 70, St. George's square 12, Union street 40, Hawke street 42, Kent street 40, St. James's street 3, Clapperton's court, Britain street 4, Aylward street 2, Smith's court, Smith's lane 19, The Hard 21, Union street 33, St. James's street 12, Hay street 44, Hanover street 4, Britain street 10, Ordnance row 30, Queen street 19, Hanover street 1, Miall's court, Queen street 15, Ordnance row 9, Providence court, Kent street 25, Havant street 38, Hawke street 43, St. James's street 18, Queen street 8, Monday's court, St. George's square St. James's street St. James's street 3, Cranley's court, Butcher street 5, St. George's passage, Kent street 12, White's row 5, Hanover place, Hanover street 5, Pafoot's court, Hawke street 3, College lane 56, Havant street 7, Pafoot's court, Hawke street 11, Southampton row 23, St. James's street 4, Frett's court, Smiths lane 1, Burgess court, Kent street 4, Turner's court, Wickham street 45, Kent street 40, Hanover street 22, Hawke street 4, Bartlett's buildings, King's-bench alley 34, The Hard, 53, Kent street 46, Britain street 51, Hanover street 12, Hanover street 5, Hanover street 49, Hanover street 26, Kent street 15, St. James's street 8, Taylor's court, Britain street 46, Havant street 4, Wellington place, Kent street 61, Hanover street 31, College street 8, College lane 59, Union street 3, Monday's court, St. George's square 1, Monday's court, St. George's square 4, Margery's court, Butcher street 5, Rosemary lane 6, Albion street 41, Hanover street 9, Bateman's alley, Kent street 9, Hawke street 15, King's-bench alley 7, Providence court, Kent street 22, Ordnance row 16, St. James's street 9, Waterman's alley, Havant street 10, Kent street 14, Britain street 39, White's row 23, Hawke street 33, Hanover street 3, Southampton court, Southampton row 4, Waterman's alley, Havant street 5, College lane 7, Union street 49, St. George's square 12, Queen street 6, Britain street 4, Dean street 4, The Hard 21, Smith's' lane 46, Queen street 47, Union street 69, St. George's square 6, Bateman's alley, Kent street 35, Hawke street 5, Hawke street 8, Hanover place, Hanover street 4, St. James's street 4, The Dell, 27, Havant street 17 St. James's street 24, The Hard 2, Havant street 5, Portland street 7, Monday's court, St. Georges square 1, Richmond place 1, Sun's court, Sun st. 11, Gardner's buildings, Kent street 3, Sun street 12, Camden alley 30, Butcher street 51, St. James's street 52, Kent street 2, Pollard's court, Queen street 10, College lane 1, Hellyer's passage, St. James's street 37, Albion street 27, Kent street 6, Taylor's court, Britain street 45, Bishop street 59, Queen Street 3, Bateman's alley, Kent street Aylward street 2, Pay's buildings, Hay street 4, Union street 26, White's row 20, St. James's street 6, Kent street 13, Britain street 12, St. George's passage, Kent street 20, Lion terrace 1, Taylor's court, Britain street 8, Waterman's alley, Havant street 1, Weymouth court, Aylward street 65, Hanover street 1, Lion terrace 11, Ordnance row 21, Havant street 24, Lion terrace 34, Havant street 54, Hanover street 23, Britain street 1, Gardner's buildings, Kent street 3, Gardner's buildings, Kent street 1, St. James's street 6, The Dell 64, Queen street 41, Union street 5, Cardigan place, St. James's street 40, St. George's square 2, Clapperton court, Britain street 3, Butcher street 17, Britain street 8, Queen street. 74, St. George's square 15, Wickham street 5, Meeting house alley, Kent street 24, Hawke street 2, Hampton court, Havant street 55, St. George's square 6, Sun street 4, Whitehorse alley, Kent street 65, Queen street 5, Green's court, Hay street 21, Albion street 15, Queen street 47, Hawke street 9, Margery's court, Butcher street 1, Mitre court, Bishop street 1, White horse alley, Kent street 7, Bateman's alley, Kent street 11, Aylward street 16, Pudd's lane 33, Albion street 39, Queen street 1, Meeting house alley, Kent street 33, Havant street 44, St. James's street 38, Britain street 24, College street 8, Union street 23, Bishop street 2, Miall's court, Queen street 26, Hawke street 24, St. James's street Kent street 4, Gardner's buildings, Kent street 28, College street 54, Havant street 11, St. George's passage, Kent street 13, Taylor's court, Britain street 49, Bishop street 33, Hanover street 10, Bateman's alley, Kent street 64, Havant street 30, Union street 86, Queen street 4, Hanover street 62, Union street 9, Ordnance row 32, Lion terrace 2, Pay's Buildings, Hay street 25, Union street 3, Churcher's court, Wickham street 6, Carpenter's court, St. James's street 11, Gardner's buildings, Kent street 44, St. James's street 70, Union street 16, Hawke street 28, The Hard 16, Bishop street 24, Bishop street 2, Aylward street 18, Lion terrace 54, St. George's square 8, Lion street 3, The Hard 12, Ordnance row 15, Bishop street 74, Queen street 6, Havant street 10, Wickham street 24, St. George's square 42, White's row 2, Margery's Court, Butcher street 10, Aylward street 42, Britain street 50, Bishop street 1, Wellington place, Kent street 13, College street 3, Pudd's lane 36, Lion Terrace 36½, St. James's street Cottage, St. George's square 53, Havant street 2, Union court, White's row 3, Wickham place, Wickham street 9, Butcher street 59, Hanover street 22, St. George's square 10, Lion street 5 Ranwell's court, Kent street 35, Queen Street 46, St. James's street 6, Southampton row 3, Hanover street 5, St. James's street 17, Ordnance row 11, Butcher street 81, Queen street 9, College street 22, Butcher street 93, Queen street 48, St. George's square 2, Frett's court, Smiths lane 2, Jacob's court, Smiths lane 29, Union street 13, Camden alley 3, Hanover place, Hanover street 63, St. George's square 56, St. George's square 20, Bishop street 34, Queen street 32, Havant street 66, Union street 48, Hanover street 40, Union street 12, Sun street 10, Lion terrace 50, Hawke street 38, White's row 7, Clock street 58, Queen street 12, The Hard 79, St. George's square 29, Albion street 17, Hanover street 21, St. George's square 14, Kent street 18, Ordnance row 8, St. George's passage, Kent street 11, Havant street 51, Hawke street 8, Pudd's lane 15, Albion street 61, Havant street 32, Union street 32, Albion street 41, Havant street 39, Havant street 37, Union street 3, Green's court, Hay street 5, Sun street 9, Lion Terrace 18, Britain street 2, The Hard 36, Hanover street 2, Hampton court, Havant street 3, Hay street 15, Smith's lane 15, Lion terrace 27, The Hard 20, Havant street 5, King's-bench alley 72, Union street 14, Albion street 1, Green's court, Hay street 4, Bateman's alley, Kent street 15, Pudd's lane 16, College lane 4, Palmer's court, Havant street 22, St. James's street 27, Lion terrace 1, Queen street 1, Concert alley, Little Britain street 8, Southampton row 16, The Hard 11, Hobb's court, Dean street Cottage, St. George's square 1, Iron's passage, Butcher street 23, Union street 36, Butcher street 55, Union street 4, Meeting house alley, Kent street 29, Bishop street 4, Ranwell's court, Kent street 5, Pay's buildings, Hay street 42, Britain street 31, Albion street 30, College street 30, St. James's street 26, Southampton row 83, Queen street la, Cardigen place, St. James's street 67, Havant street 8, College street 9, St. George's square 66, Hanover street 14, Pudd's lane 4, Hawke, street 68, Queen street 68, Queen street 44, Havant street 46, Hanover street 5, Little Britain street 92, Queen street 4, Smith's lane 6, Lion street 1, White's row 53, Britain street 4, Southampton row 9, Dean street 1, Clay's buildings, Aylward street 58, Kent street 63, Union street 4, Lion terrace 4, Lion terrace 2, The Dell 6, Aylward street 3, Bishop's court, Bishop street 5, Peel place, Havant street 89, Queen street 7, Portland street 2, Wellington place, Kent street 21, The Hard 50, St. James's street 25, Lion terrace 14, Sun street 9, Lion street 16, Butcher street 18, Hanover street 26, St. George's square 4, Smith's court, Smith's Lane 7, Hawke street 65, Union street 5, Gardener's buildings, Kent street 32, Bishop street 25, Britain street 2, Purbeck street 9, Hobb's court, Dean street Bishop street 22, Britain street 49, St. James's street 40, Albion street 8, St. James's street 27, St. George's square 34, Hanover street 6, Pudd's lane 4, Taylor's court, Britain street 9, The Hard 56, Kent street 3, Meeting house alley, Kent street 1, Redward's court, Southampton row 9, Pudd's lane Aylward street 2, Sun court, Sun st. 17, Bishop street 10, White horse alley, Kent street 40, Queen street 42, Queen street 4, Hay street 2, Mitre court, Bishop street 3, Redward's court, Southampton row 47, Bishop street 6, Ordnance row 28, Bishop street 27, Bishop street 2, Southampton row 6, Hawke street 33, Queen street 32, Queen street 34, Bishop street 1, Spearing's court, Bishop street 16, Albion street 52, Hawke street 28, Hawke street 12, College street 5, Bishop street 7, St. George's passage, Kent street 69, Queen street 54, White's row 84, Queen street 43, Union street 60, Queen street 91, Queen street 30, Bishop street 5, Wigg's court, Clock street 4, Wickham street 15, St. George's square 42, Union street 46, White's row 75, St. George's square 37, Britain street 38, Bishop street 1, Ordnance row 15, Rosemary lane 11, Albion street 5, Dean street, the back of 33, Butcher street 1, Andrew's buildings, Hay street 53, Union street 32, St. James's street 11, Sun street 8, Lion terrace 57, Queen street 7, Hanover street 32, College street 68, Havant street 16, Britain street 29, Butcher street 11, The Dell 20, Union street 8, The Hard 11, Britain street 43, Hanover street 20, Britain street 12, Pudd's lane 3, Lion street 1, The Hard St. George's square 8, Albion street White's row 4, Hanover place, Hanover street 58, St. George's square 34, Kent street 7, The Dell 7, Hobb's court, Dean street 6, Hobb's court, Dean street 8, Sun street 11, Taylor's court, Britain street 2, Hellyer's passage, St. James's street 2, Hanover street 39, Hawke street 51, White's row 61, St. George's square 2, Half-moon street 2, Half-moon street 2, St. George's square 27 Hanover street 2 Albion street 3, Duff's court Hanover street 50, White's row 6, St. James's street 15, Britain street 8, The Dell 12, Aylward street 3, Albion street 3, Queen street 9, Britain street 31, Britain street 38, Queen street 80, Queen street 8, Ordnance row 2, Clock street 15, Sun street 5, Andrew's buildings, Hay street 5, Munday's court, St. George's square 6, Dean street 10, College street 7, St. James's street 39, Albion street 7, Smith's lane 24, Ordnance row 1, Palmer's court, Havant street 11, Smith's lane 8½ The Dell 2, Spearing's court, Bishop street 64, Hanover street 12, Britain street 11, Queen street 13, Havant street 31, Lion terrace 6, King's-bench alley 10, The Hard 40, Kent street 18, Hawke street 8, Dean street 26, Hanover street 2, Cardigan place, St. James's street 61, Union street 1, Hobb's court, Dean street 34, Bishop street 77, St. George's square 2, Kent street 13, Smith's lane 9, Pay's buildings, Hay street 5, Hay street 45, Havant street 48, St. James's street St. George's square 17, King's-bench alley 13½, Kent street 33, Britain street 67, Union street 4, Spearing's court, Bishop street 8, Portland street 11, Union street 70, Hanover street 20, Albion street 9, Smith's court, Smith's lane 23, Kent street 27, Butcher street 17, Albion street 25, Albion street 19, Albion street 32, Hawke street 30, The Hard 2, Lion street 7, Ordnance row 14, Smith's lane 7½, Whites row 3, Weymouth court, Aylward street 1, Frett's court, Smith's lane 58, Havant street Havant street 6, Camden alley 18, Albion street 2, Hobb's court, Dean street 66, Queen street 16, Hay street 10, Queen street 3 Portland street 4, Ordnance row 2, Andrew's buildings, Hay street 10, King's-bench alley 15, College lane 13, Hawke street 6, King's-bench alley 41, St. George's square 1, Ranwell's court, Kent street 2, Smith's lane 7, Pay's buildings, Hay street 40, Havant street 35, St. George's square 1, Wigg's court, Clock street 2, Taylor's court, Britain street 66, Havant street 19, Queen street 72, St. George's square 10, Hanover street 3, King's-bench alley, Kent street 8, Bishop street 36, Havant street 13, Clock street 3, St. George's square 5, Lion terrace 5, Butcher street 62, Hanover street 12, Havant street 12, Lion terrace 19, Lion terrace 14, Butcher street 13, The Hard 22, Havant street 32, Kent street Lion terrace 9, Taylor's Court, Britain street 31, St. George's square 13, Rosemary lane 21, Britain street 10, Dean street 14, St. George's square 20, The Hard 39, Union street 50, St. George's square 3, Havant street 21, Hanover street 20, Queen street 6, Butcher street 10, Smith's lane 21, Butcher street 1, Camden alley 34, Union street 63, Queen street 32, St. George's square 26, The Hard 28, Hanover street 31, Hawke street 16, St. George's square 71, St. George's square 3, Cranley's court, Butcher street 25, Kent street 76, Queen street 2, Britain street 5, The Dell 2, Wickham place, Wickham. street 35, College street 33, Union street 8, Godden's court, Wickham street 68, Hanover street 29, Hawke street 36, College street 6, Bartlett's buildings, King's-bench-alley 44, Bishop street 3, Half-moon street 52, St. George's square 26, Lion terrace 18, King's bench alley 19, Havant street 28, Kent street 4, Hellyer's passage, St. James's street 10, Butcher street 47, White's row 4, Aylward street 71, Unicorn street 12, Ranwell's court, Kent street 19, St. George's square 41, Britain street 15, Hanover street 26, Havant street 10, The Dell 40, Bishop street 10, Pudd's lane 60, St. George's square 6, Wickham street 41, Bishop street 5, Taylor's court, Britain street 5, Albion street 17, Union street 39, Bishop street 1, Moor's Court, Dean street 4, Union court, Whites row 19, Hay street 4, Hobb's court, Dean street 10, St. George's square 13, Union street 10, Hay street 17, Havant street 8, Hay street 67, St. George's square 53½, Kent street 34, Britain street 18, Havant street 3, Ranwell's court, Kent street 35, Albion street Synagogue House, Queen street 25, Queen street 57, Havant street 9, Ranwell's court, Kent street 4, Godden 's court, Wickham street Duff's court Hanover street 31, Hanover street 3, Union street 51, Union street 4, Ranwell's court, Kent street 36, Hawke street 8, Rosemary lane 27, Hawke street 53, St. George's square 29, Britain street 3, Bennett's court, Havant street 26, Queen street 16, The Hard 26, Britain street 36, St. James's street 4, Pudd's lane 3, Miall's court, Queen street 10, Taylor's court, Britain street 20, Lion terrace 13, Hay street 6, Gardner's buildings, Kent street 85, Queen street 2, Havant court, Havant street 3, Margery's court, Butcher street 1, Havant court, Havant street 8, Margery's court, Butcher street 25, Hanover street 28, Britain street 46, Hawke street 37, Lion terrace 38, St. George's square 20, St. George's square 10, Pay's buildings, Hay street 38, Kent street 27, Southampton row 80, St. George's square 7, Gardner's buildings, Kent street 23, White's row 4, Camden alley 28, Southampton row 48, Queen street 76, St. George's square Synagogue yard, Queen street 21, St. James's street 39, Britain street 13, Clock street 14, Union street 18, Lion terrace 16, College street 2a, Cardigan place, St. James's street 50, Britain street 10, Ranwell's court, Kent street 2, Meeting house alley, Kent street 2, Bennett's court, Havant street 44, Britain street 52, Hanover street 11, Wickham street 28, Havant street 22½, Kent street 7, Dean street 29, St. George's square 11, Hawke street 9, Smith's lane 5, Pudd's lane 3, The Dell 4, Little Britain street 19, Bishop street 1, Parfoot's court, Hawke street 3 Kent street 6, Andrew's building's 39½, Britain street 16, Ordnance row 7, The Hard 13, Wickham street 7, Havant street 36, Union street 5, Smith's lane 12, Kent street 14, Wickham street 56, Kent street 4, Rosemary lane 44, Union street 87, Queen street 3, Carpenter's court, St. James's street 5, Turner's court, Wickham street. 3, Aylward street 2, Providence court, Kent street 72, Queen street 21, Southampton row 9, Clock street 79, Queen street 3, Clay's buildings, Aylward street 18, Southampton row 8, Providence court, Kent street 37, White's row 6, Lion terrace 17, St. George's square 11, Hay street 23, The Hard 9, Monday's court, St. George's square 2, Hay street 2, College street 2, Carpenter's court, St. James's street 7, Britain street 2, Queen street 20, Southampton row 34, Hawke street 57, Union street 20, White's row 3, Dean street 1, Redward's court, Southampton row 7, Waterman's alley, Havant street 27, Britain street 12, St. George's square 11, The Hard 2, Wickham street 5, Bartlett's building, King's-bench alley 31, Kent street 35, Kent street 73, St. George's square 16, Lion terrace 10, Clock street 88, Queen street 27, Union street 35, Albion street 61, Queen street 23, Lion terrace 45, Britain street 44, White's row 18, Union street 62, St. George's square 45, St. George's square 9, Havant street 1, Hanover street 20, Lion terrace 16, Rosemary lane 2, White horse alley, Kent street 71½, Aylward street 13, Pud's lane Redward's court, Southampton row 10, Hawke street 1, Britain street 1, Half-moon street 9, White horse alley, Kent street 4, Sun street 7, Butcher street 18, Kent street 1, Duff's court, Hanover street 4, Bishop street 3, Bishop street 30, Albion street 15, Lion terrace: 67, Queen street 17, Butcher street 33, The Hard 16, Hanover street 3, Waterman's alley, Havant street 10, Havant street 1, Hanover place, Hanover street 8, Aylward street 2, Hawke street 10, Britain street 8, Ranwell's court, Kent street 47, Hanover street 20, Smith's lane 48, Britain street 20, King's-bench alley 70, Queen street 41, Kent street 35, Havant street 5, St. George's square 2, Dean street 38, Havant street 32, Hanover street 6, Providence court, Kent street Cardigan place 8, Camden alley 6, Hanover street 55, Queen street 25, Butcher street 54, Britain street 57, Kent street 6, Southampton row 12, College lane 41, Hawke street 48, White's row 27, Union street 62, Havant street 47, Queen street 1, Clapperton court, Britain street 3, Hellyer's passage, St. James's street 44 Hawke street 3, Southampton row 30, White's row 2, Redward's court, Southampton row 11, Margery's court, Butcher street 3, Hawke street 82, Queen street 1, Aylward street 30, Kent street 1, Smith's court, Smith's lane 8, Havant street 1, St. George's square 36, Albion street 8, Hawke street 47, Kent street 28, St. George's square 1, Widger's court, Havant street 18, College street 35, Britain street 11, Hanover street 49, Queen street 8, Hanover street 45 White's row 3, Pollard's court, Queen street 1, Cardigan place, St. James's street 30, St. James's street 81, St. George's square 2 Bishop street 7, Camden alley 1, Bishop street 8, Wickham street 51, Bishop street 37 Hawke street 4, College lane 7, Hay street 28, Albion street 24, Kent street 62, Queen street 3, Camden alley 50, Queen street 14, College lane 3, Britain street 40, Britain street 3, Little Britain street 3, Ordnance row 14, St. James's street 78, Queen street 9, College lane 1, Gitten's court, Hanover street 2, Albion court, Albion street 2, Monday's court, St. George's square 11, Dean street 3, Frett's court, Smiths lane 13, Bishop street Bateman's alley 11, Ranwell's court, Kent street 19, Union street 4, Clock street 67, Hanover street 38, White's row 9, Union street 26, Butcher street 6, St. George's square 3, Wigg's court, Clock street 14, Lion terrace 31, Albion street 13, College lane 26, Kent street 4, Queen street 18, Wickham street 55, Hanover street 24, Queen street 10, Hobb's court, Deal street 51, Queen street 22, Hanover street 1, Butcher street 37, Hanover street 18, Butcher street 39, Hanover street 6, Hay street 35, St. James's street 2, Little Britain street 57, St. George's square 1, Clock street 18, Bishop street 19 College street 58, Union street 2, Mitre alley 2 St. James's street 4, Havant street 5, Lion street 31 White's row 66, St. George's square 4, College street 18, St. George's square 20, Hanover street 5, Providence court, Kent street 2, Pudd's lane 23, Havant street 15, Hay street 3, College street 2, Portland street 3, Albion court, Albion street 65, Havant street 11, White's row 5, Union court, White's row 11, Lion terrace 57, Hanover street 35, Britain street 43, Queen street 19, St. James's street 10, Union street 36, St. George's square 19, Kent street 13, College, street 1, Carpenter's Court, St. James's street 16, Southampton row 19, Hawke street 13, King's bench alley 38, Hanover street. 36, Bishop street 6, Smith's lane 29, Queen street 17, Lion terrace 2, Lion terrace 28, Butcher street 33, Southampton row 90, Queen street 34, St. James's street 7, Taylor's court, Britain street 7, Hanover place, Hanover street 49, Britain street 45, Union street 3, Cardigan place, St. James's street 8, White horse alley, Kent street 37, Bishop street 29, Hanover street 5, Union court, White's row 33, Lion terrace 17, Pudd's lane 37, St. James's street 5, Smith's court, Smith's lane 59, Havant street 7, Pudd's lane 21, Havant street 7, Sun street 42, Union street 48, Union street 54, Union street 37, Queen street 22, College street 21, Hawke street Aylward street 25, College street 25, College, street 7, Bishop street 4, Albion. street 30, Hawke street 41, St. James's street 19, Wickham street 4, King's-bench alley 48, Bishop street 60, Kent street 42, Havant street 45, Queen street