Abraham, Samuel Absalom, George Adair, Henry Adams, Robert Agnew, Major Aldous, Alexander James Aldrick, Samuel Aldridge, Henry Alexander, Frederick Alexander, George Gardner Alford, Stephen Allen, Charles Allen, Herbert Allen, John Allen, Stephen Allwood, Thomas Anderson, William Antill, Nathaniel Ash, James Atkins, William Atterbury, William Attrill, Alfred Attrill, James Attrill, John Attrill, Richard Auben, William Avery, Daniel Bagg, Daniel Bailey, Edward Baird, William Baker, Alfred William Baker, Charles Baker, Frederick Joseph Baker, George Baker, George Baker, Henry Baker, Stephen Baker, Thomas Baldey, Thomas Ball, Richard Bamford, Thomas Barnard, Charles Barnard, Henry Barnes, Charles Barnes, Henry Barnes, John Barnett, George Barrett, John Barrett, John Bartholomew, James Bartlett, John Bartlett, Thomas Barton, Edward Batchelor, Richard Bateman, Edward Bates, George Battis, William Baynton, John Beachem, Isaac Beard, John Beckett, Thomas Beleh, William Bell, William Bellinger, James Bellinger, James Benfield, George Benson, William Berman, Louis Berry, James Besant, Albert Bettesworth William Bewsey, Charles Biden, Henry Biggs, James Biggs, Thomas Bigwood, John Biles, Benjamin Bishop, Frederick Bishop, John Bishop, John William Blackman, Thomas Blackman, William Blair, John Blake, Daniel Blake, George Blake, John Bleach, George Bleach, George Blessley, William Blow, Arthur Blundell, Horatio Bolton, James Bonner, John Bonnet, George Bowden, George Bower, Percy Boxholme, Charles Boyd, John Boyett, Joseph Boyland, James Boyland, Samuel Brading, Charles Brake, Thomas Brand, William Braxton, George Charles Braxton, Henry Breedon, Thomas Breething, Thomas Brice, Charles Brice, Matthew Bridge, John Thomas London Bridger, John Win. Richard Bridle, Thomas Brockway, John Brooks, John Brothers, Charles Brown, Abraham Brown, Frederick Brown, James Brown, James Brown, James Brown, John Brown, Richard Brown, William Brownrigg, Thomas Richard Bryant, James Buchell, William Buckland, Thomas Budd, Alfred Budd, Anthony Budd, Richard Budd, William Bufton, James Bull, Francis Burlace, William Burnett, Andrew Burrell, Leonard Burridge, John Burrows, William Burt, James Burton, George Butcher, Hezekiah Butler, Thomas Butler, William Calloway, William Cannon, Henry Carden, Christopher Carey, James Carlow, George Carrick, George Carter, Bonham William Carter, George Caught, John Couzens Cawte, Charles Cecil, Henry Teal Cerget, Charles Chads, Henry Ducie Chambers, William Chambers, William Grant Chandler, John Chandler, William, Jun. Chase, Richard Chase, Thomas Chase, William Childs, James Linington Childs, William Chissell, George Chittenden, John Chiverton, Edward Chiverton, William Church, Benjamin Churcher, James Chute, Trevor Clark, John Clark, Joseph Cleaver, John Clements, James Clensey, William Clent, Charles Coachman, James Coates, James Coates, William Coates, William, Jun. Cobby, Henry Cole, George Cole, John Cole, John Cole, William Henry Colebrook, John Coleman, George Coleman, John Colley, Henry Trant Collings, George Collins, Edward Collins, George Collins, George Collins, John Colwell, Francis Compton, John Connally, Charles Cook, George Cook, John Coolep, Benjamin Coombes, Charles Cooper, James Cooper, John Cordis, John Cosby, Henry Cousens, John Cousins, John Coventry, George Coward, Robert Cowen, William Edwin Craven, Joseph Craven, William Crocker, Richard Crocker, Robert Cross, John Crossman, George Crout, Henry Cummings, John Cummings, John Cunliffe, Daniel Daley, Edward Daman, Henry Dameron, George Davey, Andrew Davey, Henry David Davis, John Davis, Joseph Dawkins, Francis De la Bere, Charles Dean, Charles Elliott Dearing, William Dennison, Joseph Desabries, Charles Devonshire, William Dewar, Henry Dodd, George Dolbrey, John Douglas, Henry Dounce, John Douse, Charles Douse, James Dowle, Richard Drummond James Drury, Byron Duke, Henry Dumford, Edward Dummer, William Duncomb, Mark Durrell, John
house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house
12, Woodland place Elm grove Lennox Road 2, Fratton Road Shaftesbury road Queen's crescent Albany road Clairmont terrace, Fratton Florence road South parade 41, Sydenham terrace 48, Lucknow street Wish lane 13, Woodland place Palmerston road 20, Somers road 2, Claremont terrace Palmerston road Netley terrace Clyde Terrace, Fratton Eastern parade Lady Temple's lane Milton Lazy lane 4, Lennox road 17, Clarence Parade Carlisle street Milton Fratton 2, Selbourne terrace Cottage grove Clairmont terrace Green road Elm grove Cambridge terrace Clarence parade 10, Cottage grove 7, Cottage grove Waverley road Highland terrace 23, Green row Milton Fratton Fratton road Fratton road 39, Cumberland road 6, Osborn terrace 11, Castle place Wish lane Trafalgar place 59, Fratton road Fratton road 1, Crystal street Green road Cottage grove Artillery terrace, Milton Clarence parade Woodland place Milton Wish lane Speck's lane 37, Cumberland road Elm grove Tangiers Milton Highland road 13, Green row 59, Sydenham terrace Smith's view Villier's road Canal Highland road Albert road 6, Highland terrace 4, Smith's view 19, Trafalgar place 20, Green row 21, Sydenham terrace 6, Stanley street Fratton road 12, Smith's view 43, Somer's road Highland road 9, Artillery terrace 8, Stanley street Duke street Clyde terrace, Fratton Stanley road 3, Green road Wish lane Sydenham terrace Fratton 3, Garden lane Lazy lane 2, Somers street 26, Lucknow street 48, Green row 15, Ashby place Clairmont terrace 8, Castle place St. Mary's road 36, Somers road 32, Lucknow street Fratton St. Helen's park Waverley road 1, Osborne terrace Osborne road St. Mary's road Milton Clarence parade 1, Dorset street Osborne street 59, Lucknow street Milton Yarborough road 14, Highland terrace 2, White Cloud place Highland road 44, Somers street 5, Garden lane 48, Somers street The Ferns, Southsea 9, Woodland place Grove road Highland street Eton terrace Nelson cottage, Fratton 9, Nelson Cottage Milton road Ryde view Castle road 27, Fratton road 34, Somers road 34, Somers street 4, Cumberland road Stanley road 14, Cumberland road Engine house lane Fratton Tangiers 38, Cumberland road Hill lane Southsea common 15, Trafalgar place 31, Somers street Clarence parade 60, Fratton road Highland road 2, Cumberland road Clarence parade 34, Lucknow street Stanley street 8, St. George's road Palmerston road 8, Portland terrace Portland terrace 30, Cumberland road Kent road St. Mary's road Highland road Milton Engine house lane Milton Cambridge terrace Cambridge terrace Richmond place 3, Crystal street 29, Fratton road Nelson cottage, Fratton Southsea common 16, Smith's view Albert road Somers road Somers road Milton Copnor 58, Somers street Marmion road 17, Sydenham terrace Lazy lane Lazy lane Lazy lane 2, Portland place Engine house lane Engine house lane Milton Highland road Green row Fratton Castle road Fratton Woodland place Clarence parade Fratton Garden lane 2, Wilton street 7, Nance's row St. Mary's road Kent road Cottage grove Elm grove Ashby place 20, Green row 5, Dorset street Marmion road 1, Carlisle street Milton Palmerston road 54, Lucknow street Castle road 6, Lady Temple's lane Sussex road Fratton road Lansdown cottage Grove road, north 11, Woodland place 76, Fratton road Garden lane Palmerston road Fratton road 33, Somers road 7, Selbourne terrace 4, White cloud place Milton The Ferns, Southsea Osborne road St. Mary's road 4, Woodland place Clairmont terrace St. Mary's road 4, Sussex place Milton Canal 10, Lucknow street Waverley road Duke street Somer's road Palmerston road Fratton road Grove road Milton 67, Lucknow street Copnor Windsor terrace Clarence parade Granada road 46, Lucknow street Lumps Elm grove Ashby place Marmion road
Gumb, Richard Guy, James Gyles, William Thomas Hadcraft, Thomas Theodore Haite, John Hale, Haswell Hallowes, John Hambley, James Hamilton, James Handcock, Thomas Handford, James Handley, George Hanes, Henry Harbour, Edward Harding, Benjamin Harding, John Harebottle, Andrew Harrington, Francis Harrington, Richard Harris, Albert Harrison, John Hart, George Hartfield, John Harvey, James Harvey, Joseph A. Radcliffe Harvey, William Hatch, Stephen Hatch, William Hatch, William Hawkins, George Hawkins, John Hawley, William Hay, William John Haydon, Thomas Catford Hayes, John Montague Hayward, Stephen Healy, William Heasman, Henry Heff, John Helby, William Plyer Hewett, Henry Hewlett, William James Hicks, Stephen Hill, Henry Hill, Herbert Hill, John Hine, George Hire, William Henry Hirst, William Davis Hoar, William Hobbs, Joseph Hocking, Thomas Hodgkinson, Thomas Hogan, William Hollis, John Honey, Charles Honey, Thomas Hooper, William Hope, John Winter Hopkins, George Hopkins, Henry Horn, Henry Horn, William Horsey, Edward Ralph Houghton, Charles Mew Howell, Lewis Howell, Thomas Howick, William Hudson, Henry Hull, Joseph Thomas Humby, James Humby, William Humm, James Hummell, Augustus Humphrey, Richard Humphries, George Humphries, James Hunt, Francis Hunt, George Hunt, John Hunt, John Hunt, Robert Hunt, Thomas Hunt, William Hunt, William Hutching, Thomas Hutching, Thomas Hutchings, Alfred Imber, Thomas Irish, Isaac Isaacs, George Isaacs, Richard Isum, John Isum, William Ivey, Charles Jackson, Alfred Jacobs, Edward Jacobs, James Jacobs, William James, George Jeffery, John Jerome, Joseph Johns, James Johnson, Edward Johnson, William Johnson, William Johnson, William Johnson, William Johnson, William Johnstone, William Jolliffe, Charles Jolliffe, Charles John Jolliffe, Robert Fry Jones, Edwin Jones, Jones Jordon, William Joseph, Barnett Judd, Stephen Juniper, John Jupp, Benjamin Kearns, Thomas Kellick, James Kemmish, Richard Kemp, John Kemp, William Kemshead, William Bath Kendell, George Adolphus Kennay, Alfred Kent, Charles Kent, Stephen Kerby, William Key, Samuel Kidd, George Kimber, Henry Kimber, William Kimber, William King, John King, Joseph King, Joseph King, William King, William Kingsell, William Kingswell, James Knight, Charles Knight, David Knight, James Knight, Thomas Knight, Thomas Knight, William Lamburn, Stephen Laming, John Lamont, James Langford, James Languish, Francis Lanning, Benjamin Larcombe, William Laskey, John Lawrence, Friend Lee, Charles Lee, George Leef, William Legg William Legg, James Leggett, William Lelen, Isaac Lester, William Lethbridge, Bridgman Lever, Alfred Lewis, James Lilley, Thomas Linfield, Peter Lintern, John James Lippage, John Llewellyn, John Lloyd, Peter Lloyd, Richard Lock, Thomas Lock, William Lock, William Loe, James Lofton, James Long, Edwin Searley Long, George Long, Henry Long, Samuel Searley Long, William Longlands, Joseph Love, Henry Lovering, Joseph Lovett, John Lowry, Alexander Lowry, David Luff, William Lush, Joseph Lush, William Mabbey, John Maber, James Machelen, Henry Joseph Mack, Alfred Mack, Bartholemew Mack, James Mack, Michael Mack, William Macnamara, Nugent Maitland, Lewis Malley, Michael Malony, Bartholemew Mandrell, Charles Mantle, Charles March, George March, John March, Middleton March, Middleton Marshall, George Marshall, Thomas Marshall, Thomas, Jun. Martell, George Martin, Benjamin Martin, John Martin, Robert Marvin, Richard Mason, George Matthews, Henry Matthews, Joseph McCheane, John McCoy, Thomas Robert McCullum [SIC] McCullum, Henry McDonnagh, John McKay, Gabriel McKechnie, Alexander McLackland, John McLean, George McLean, William Gordon McLeod, Allen McMasters, John McPhaden, Angus Mead, John Mead, Thomas Quinn Meadus, George Mehen, Thomas George Melville, William Messum, Charles John Mew, Charles James Miall, Charles Miall, John Micklam, Thomas Miller, Francis Miller, John Miller, Robert Mills, Augustus Mills, William Bay Minter, John Mitchell, Thomas Monday, Henry Monkman, William Moody, John Moore, Ephraim Moore, James Moore, John Moore, Richard Morey, Abraham Morey, Charles Morey, Charles, Jun. Morey, Henry Morey, William Morgan, Charles Moses Charles Mouland, Joseph Moxham, William Mundon, John Munford, Alfred Murphy, John Murray, John Murray, William Murray, William Murrey, James Nance, Andrew Nash, Augustus Nelder, William Newland, George Newlyn, John Newman George Newman, Ebenezer Newman, Joseph Newnham, John Newnham, William Newton, Jacob Newton, William Newton, William Richard Nobes, William Norman, Henry Burford Norman, James Norman, Samuel Norman, William Norris, George Norris, John Nott, John Nye, Henry O'Brien, John Monett O'Reilly, William Old, Charles Oliver, William Orange, Frederick Orchard, William Orrill, Thomas Osborne, John Over, John Owen, Edward Ozzard, James William Ozzard, William Hudson Padbury, Henry Page, Edward Page, John Henry Page, William Palmer, Alfred Palmer, Henry Palmer, William Pardo, Joseph Parker, John Parkes, Alexander Parmiter, George Parnell, Richard Parr, James Parry, William Parsons, John Parsons, John Parsons, Joseph Passingham, Richard Patterson, George Pawsey, George Payne, Frederick Payne, John Payne, William Pearce, Charles Pearce, Edward Pearce, George Pearce, George Pearce, John Pearce, John Penfold, William Pennell, Henry Petch, William Petty, Joseph James Pharoah, Henry Pharoah, James Pharoah, Matthew Pinhorn, Charles Pinhorn, Joseph Pinhorn, William Piper, Edward Poiser, John Pook, George Pook, Henry Pook, James Poor, John Pope, John Potter, Thomas Pratt, William Preston, Richard Prindevile, John Pring, John Prior, Phillip Pritchard, Samuel Perkins Privett, John Prow, Henry Purkis, Edward Purse, Stephen Pyecroft, William Quick, Thomas Rake, John Randall, William Rands, Samuel Raunsley, Richard Ray, John Ray, William Redfern, John Reeves, Albert Reeves, Charles Reynolds George Richards, Henry Richards, Joseph Richards, William Richardson, Albert Joseph Ridlinton, Henry Joseph Roberts, Phillip Roberts, Valentine Robins, William Robinson, George Robinson, William Rockett, John Robert Rogan, James Rogers, George Rogers, George Rogers, James Rook, Edward Rose, Henry Babington Ross, David Ross, George Ross, John Rumbold, George Russell, David Russell, James Russell, William Sabben, John Cushen Sabine, James Sabine, John Saller, James Sapp, John Saundars, Josiah Saunders, Alexander Saunders, Edward Saunders, John Saunders, Samuel Saunders, Stephen Saunders, Thomas Saunders, William Savage, Walter Scale, George John Screech, George Sealey, George Seargent, Charles Seward, William Shakleford, James Shawyer, William Shelton, Frederick Shelton, George Sheppard, Charles Sheppard, Stephen Sheppard, Thomas Shergold, Thomas Sibley, Philip Silvester, Henry Silvester, Henry Simmons, James Simmons, William Simms, Thomas Simms, William Skinner, George Tucker Skuse, James Skuse, James jun Slaney, John Slaughter, Daniel Sledden, Rippath Small, Edward Smart, Edward Smart, George Smith John Smith, Alfred Smith, Charles Bovill Smith, Henry Smith, Henry Smith, James Smith, John Smith, John Smith, John Smith, John Smith, Thomas Smith, William Smith, William Smith, William Weston Smithers, Charles Edward Smithers, Robert Snowden, William Sole, Philip Souter, James Southen, John Spanner, Edward Sparks, James Sparks, Thomas Sparrow, Robert Speadbury, George Spearing, Edward Speck, Charles Spencer, George Spencer, Henry Spickernell, George Escott Spitle, James Squance, Thomas Stalworthy, William Stanley, John Stanton, William Staples, William Starr, Henry Steel, Marks Stephens, Augustus Stephens, Edward Stephens, James Stephens, William Stephens, William Steward, Alexander Steward, Chas. Desborough Stigant, George Cornelius Stone, Henry Stotherd, Samuel Strange, Samuel Stranger, Joseph Stratton, Frederick Strickland, James Stride, James Strugnell, Thomas Stullard, William Sturgess, Silas Sturney, George Sullivan, James Sullivan, John Suter, Samuel Sutton, Thomas Swain, William Tanner, James Tanner, William Tarrant, George Tarring, William Tate, Henry Carr Tatlock, James Thomas Taylor, Robert Taylor, William Templar James Terry, John Thomas, Charles Thompson, Frank Thompson, Henry Thompson, Thomas Thompson, William Thorne, George Henry Thorne, Philip Thorne, Thomas Thresher, John Thunder, George Samuel Tickner, George Till, George Tillett, Charles Tompkins, Charles Russell Torey, Samuel Torre, James Townsend, William Trimmins, Joseph Tristrail, Simon Trivess, William Tully, Allen Turner, Alfred Turner, Edwin Turner, Henry Turner, Robert Twine, Charles Tyrrell, George Tyrrell, William Vandenburgh Louis Arnoldus Vick, George Vick, James Vickery, Thomas Vincent, William Wakeford, James Walker, Charles Wallis, James Walwin, Edward Warren, Edward Warren, Henry Wassell, John Way, James Albert Way, William Webb, Charles Webb, Frederick Webb, Joseph Jonah Webb, Josiah Webb, Robert Weddle, Thomas Weeks, John Weeks, Thomas Weiglieb, Frederick Welder, Daniel Wellett, Henry James Wellman, William Wells, John Wells, Thomas Wellstead, George Wellstead, Samuel Wellsted, Ernest Welsh, John Welsh, Joseph Welsh, William West, Daniel West, John West, William Westhorp, George Westhorp, Walter Whale, John Wheeler, John Whettem, Robert White, George White, James White, James White, James White, Thomas White, William White, William Whitehall, Daniel Whittenham, Edward Wilkie, Joseph Williams, George Williams, James W. C. Williams, John Williams, John Williams, John Williams, Joseph Williams, Thomas Wilson, William Winscombe, Charles Winter, George Winter, John Woodcock, John Woodman, Philip Woods, Aaron Woods, Alexander Woods, William Woodward, George Woolven, Charles Worsford, William Wrapson, George
house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house
46, Sydenham terrace 45, Lucknow street Lady Temple's lane 6, Sussex road Eaton terrace 3, Green row Milton Wish lane 3, Dover terrace 3, Cumberland road Lennox road Clarence parade Jews' lane Highland road Canal Highland road Engine House lane Wish lane Grove road 51, Green row Auckland road, west Vale end Milton 6, Dorset street Florence road 5, Fernley terrace Grove road Highland road 1, Fratton road 16, Green road 2, Fort Cumberland terrace Marmion road Clarendon road Shaftesbury road Portland terrace 4, Sydenham terrace Granada road 47, Cumberland road Milton Yarborough road 12, Highland terrace Artillery terrace 59, Cumberland road 18, Ashby place Copnor 4, Somers road 5, Cumberland road Palmerston road Portland terrace Stanley lane 47, Fratton road Windsor terrace Queen's crescent 6, Dover terrace 40, Fratton road 3, Speck's lane 75, Fratton road Sussex road 6, Sussex road 47, Fratton road Green row Park lane Elm grove 12, Clarence parade Hill lane Grove road, north Kent road 51, Cumberland road Lennox road 6, Duke street Castle place Elm grove 1, Smith's view Wish lane 19, Clarence parade Milton Fratton road Fratton 81, Fratton road Wish lane 5, Somers road Granada road 39, Green row Marmion road 16, Sydenham terrace St. Mary's road St. Mary's road 1, Green road Somers road 3, Smith's view Marmion road 50, Fratton road Fratton road 32, Cumberland road Artillery terrace Elm grove 17, Green road 42, Green row Lennox road Fratton road 2, Grosvenor terrace Marmion road Wish lane 22, Woodland place Engine house lane Thicket Netley terrace Eastney terrace Elm grove Havelock park Clarendon road Eastney Fratton Kent road Milton Nance's row Grove road 7, Duke street Somers road Stanley lane 48, Fratton road Castle road Palmerston road Garden lane Osborne road Clarence parade Palmerston road Auckland road, west 10, Trafalgar street Milton Fratton road Dock Mill cottage 12, Smith's view Woodland place 14, Lucknow street 25, Woodland place 21, Somers road Palmerston road Park lane 10, Trafalgar street 1, Woodland place Woodland place Milton Nightingale road Milton 9, Highland terrace Queen's crescent Milton 25, Cumberland road 12, Nance's row 7, Dorset street Fratton road 3, Nance's row 2, St. Helen's avenue 42, Somers' street Lennox road Green road Copnor Fernley terrace Nightingale road 18, Somers road St. Mary's road Garden lane 1, Prospect terrace, Milton 7, Cumberland road 1, Melrose place Clarence parade 10, Queen's terrace 10, Castle place Milton 1, Elm grove Sydenham terrace Dover terrace Green road Milton 6, Nance's row 43, Lucknow street Fratton Marmion road Sydenham terrace Engine house lane 1, Castle road Elm grove 22, Green row Nightingale road Nightingale road Auckland road, west Auckland road, west 10, Selbourne terrace Park lane Cottage grove Worsley road 63, Lucknow street Queen's crescent Grove road Highland road Garden lane 11, Queen's terrace Lazy lane Wish lane Wish lane Garden lane Wish lane Merton road 14, Portland terrace Fratton road Highland road 4, Ft. Cumberland terrace Fratton road Copnor Wilton street 4, Clarence parade Milton lane 74, Lucknow street Wish lane Fratton 1, Green row Havelock park Elm grove Melrose place Grove road Clarendon road Grove road 52, Fratton road Queen's place Elm grove 31, Sydenham terrace Clarendon road Fratton road Wilton terrace Waverley road Wish lane 16, Trafalgar place Marmion road 11, Selborne terrace Green road 5, Sydenham terrace 51, Fratton road Eastern parade 8, Cumberland road 5, Clairmont terrace 19, Wilton street 8, Selborne terrace Palmerston road Highland road Fratton Goodwood place Fratton road 10, Nance's row Grove road 9, Selborne terrace Cambridge terrace Elm grove Fratton 40, Green row 2, St. George's road Elm grove Stanley lane Somer's road 8, Woodland place 55, Fratton road 10, Smith's view Villier's road Villier's road Stanley lane 3, Eastney terrace Highland road Milton 24, Clarence parade Somer's road Milton 7, Woodland place Friary Florence road Somers road Milton Somers road Baffins Park lane Lennox place Engine House lane 8, Windsor terrace Fratton Canal, Fratton Clarence parade Somers road Park lane 5, Deford terrace Wish lane Wish lane 9, St. Helen's avenue Kent road Tangiers Highland road 35, Somers street Park lane 49, Fratton road Marmion road 4, Speck's lane Somers road 3, Grove road, north Cumberland road 50, Lucknow street Nightingale road 7, Prospect row 1, White Cloud place Milton 18, Lucknow street Stanley street Havelock park Wish lane Fratton road Wish lane Wish lane Artillery terrace 7, Carlisle street Highland road Richmond terrace 14, Green row Lazy lane Lennox road 28, Fratton road Marmion road 37, Fratton road Stanley street 5, Sussex terrace 16, Somers street 2, Woodland place 2, Artillery terrace 59, Glanville terrace 8, Wilton street 4, Dorset street 8, Clarence parade Grove road 8, Nelson cottage Clarence parade Auckland road, east Highland road Lucknow street Somers road Clarendon road Palmerston road Beach terrace Green road 11, Nance's row 47, Somers street 3, Nance's row 61, Fratton road Clarendon road 10, Woodland place Copnor 3, Sydenham terrace Clyde terrace, Fratton Upper Grigg street 17, Trafalgar place Copnor 13, Smith's view Elm grove 3, Woodland place Milton 52, Sydenham terrace 10, Sussex road Clarendon road Somers road Highland street Canal 4, Woodland place Somers road St. Mary's road Marmion road 45, Fratton road 38, Lucknow street Somers road Portland road Milton Nelson road 33, Cumberland road Stanley street 65, Cumberland road 50, Somers street Green row St. Mary's road Lennox road Havelock park Wish lane 8, Lady Temple's lane Windsor terrace Osborne road 3, Queen's terrace Highland road Marmion road Lennox road Lennox road Milton 36, Lucknow street 50, Somers street Clarence parade Highland road 12, Trafalgar place Auckland road, west 53, Cumberland road Milton 10, St. Helen's avenue 1, Duke street 7, Claremont terrace Villiers road Merton road 47, Sydenham terrace Palmerston road 5, Ft Cumberland terrace 3, Somers road 58, Lucknow street Milton 12, Somers street Canal 69, Cumberland road 4, Willow terrace 7, Highland terrace Elm grove Palmerston road Albert road 22, Sydenham terrace 41, Green road 27, Lucknow street 23, Woodland place Highland road Brunswick terrace Tangiers S(p)eck's lane Palmerston road Dock Mill cottage 5, Artillery terrace Green lane Copnor Elm grove Park lane Garden lane Milton Netley terrace Granada road Garden lane 20, Trafalgar place Marmion road Engine House lane Highland street Highland road 19, Lucknow street Friary Palmerston road Milton 6, Fernley terrace Milton Milton 22, Somers street Fratton 5, Woodland place 66, Lucknow street Highland road Sydenham terrace Richmond terrace 68, Lucknow street Elm grove 15, Sydenham terrace 4, Trafalgar place Marine terrace Clarence parade 44, Sydenham terrace 14, Lady Temple's lane Highland road 48, Cumberland road Palmerston road Clarence parade Highland road 6, Selbourne terrace Green road Highland terrace Southern parade Green road 48, Green road Milton 59, Fratton road 2, Sussex road Hill lane Osborne road 4, Eastney terrace Milton 43, Sydenham terrace Milton Trafalgar street Green row 9, Clarence parade Queen's crescent Kent road 51, Sydenham terrace Southsea parade Milton Highland road Highland road Ashby place Milton Highland street 23, Sydenham terrace Dockmill cottage Woodland place 22, Clarence parade 82, Fratton road 13, Windsor terrace Engine house lane Engine House lane Sussex terrace St. Mary's road Highland street 61, Lucknow street Grove road 2, Fratton road Worsley road Fratton Somers road Somers road 67, Fratton road Queen's crescent Cumberland road 16, Somers street Highland road Osborne road Wish place 43, Cumberland road Sussex road Windsor terrace Grove road Canal Ashby place Thicket Worsley road Eastern parade 27, Green road Fratton road 10, Sydenham terrace Fratton road 7, Lucknow street 6, Lennox road 11, Trafalgar place 4, Queen's crescent Highland terrace Marmion road 2, Smith's view 1, Sussex road Clarence parade 47, Lucknow street 1, Stanley terrace Green road Ashby place Osborne road Villiers road 37, Lucknow street 5, Nance's row Engine house lane Yarborough road 5, Prospect terrace Fernley terrace Garden lane St. George's road 5, Selborne terrace Lennox road Marmion road Grove road north Auckland road, east 8, Highland terrace 41, Lucknow street Fratton road 2, Claremont terrace Elm grove 7, Artillery terrace 11, Smith's view Somers street Milton Palmerston road 13, Green row 37, Sydenham terrace Velda lane Clarence parade Clarence parade Beresford place 41, Somers street 82, Lucknow street 78, Lucknow street Highland road Kent road Sydenham terrace 39, Somers street Milton 3, Sussex road Havelock park Elm grove Palmerston road 2, Castle place Cambridge terrace 38, Somers street Milton road Tangiers Lumps 26, Woodland place 40, Somers' street 5, Lennox road 72, Lucknow street Elm grove Villier's road 2, Sydenham terrace 4, Stanley street 4, Garden lane 19, Highland terrace Palmerston road Yarborough road Albany road Lennox road Palmerston road Grove road Albany road 9, Duke street