Abbott, Samuel Absalom, George Adams, John Adams, Joseph Airs, Henry Airs, William Aldous, Alexander Alexander, George Allen, Robert Allen, Samuel Allen, William Almond, John Amatt, George Anderson, John Andrews, Charles Andrews, George Andrews, George Andrews, Henry John Andrews, Jeremiah Andrews, John William Antill, Nathaniel Arnold, Jabez Arthur, James Ashcroff, Charles Ashdowne, George Ashford, Thomas Atkins, George Henry Attrill, William Attwood, Edward Austin, James Avenell, John Avery, John Aylen, James R. Aylen, John Aylen, Thomas Bailey, Charles Holloway Bailey, Edward Bainton, William Henry Baker, George Baker, George Baker, Rowlett Baker, Thomas Baker, William Ball, Thomas Ballard, John Banks, John Barber, Benjamin Barker, Abraham Barnard, Edward Barnard, William Barnden, John Barnes, Elias Barnett, Richard Barrett, James Bartlett, Charles Bartlett, Henry Bartlett, Richard Bartlett, Thomas Bartlett, Thomas Bartlett, William Bascomb, Francis Batchellor, William Bath, Jacob Batt, Thomas Beatley, John Beck, George Maurice Bell, Edward Bell, Thomas Edward Bennett, William Bentham, James Besant, William Biden, Lewis Bignell, Charles Bignell, Charles Bignell, Joseph Binmore, Thomas Binsteed, James Bird, William Henry Black, Charles Blake, Edward Blanchard, Frederick Bolitho, Henry Walter Bone, William Bowers, Charles Bowyer, John Bowyer, John Bowyer, Richard Bowyer, Samuel Boxall, Thomas Boyd, John Bramble Edward Bramble, James Edward Bray, John Brend, William Briant, John Bricknell, Thomas Brightiff, Charles Broadbelt, Alexander Bromley, Robert Brooks, William Brown, George Brown, Henry Brown, James Brown, William Brownjohn, James Brozen, Thomas Bruce, Thomas Bryant, Henry Buckett, George Buckley, Charles Budd, James Budden, Joseph Budgen, Henry Budworth, Thomas Bull, Thomas Bull, Thomas Burge, Henry Burgess, Henry Burgess, John Burmell, William Burnett, Joseph Burnett, Thomas Burnett, William Burrowes, Walter Burrowes, William Burton, James Bushell, Charles Bussell, Samuel Butt, James Buttemore, Robert Byerley, Isaac Cable, George Cable, Stephen Cable, William Cadamey, William Calcott, Albert Callagan, John Carliell, Thomas Carnon, Alexander Carpenter, John Carter, Henry Cavander, Samuel Chambers, John Chambers, William Grant Chaplen, John Chapman, William Charpentier, Thaddeus Cheeseman, John Joseph Cheeseman, William Chenning, Thomas Chillingford, Richard Chisell, James Chiverton, James Clark, Charles Clark, James Clark, William Clarke, George Clary, Richard Clay, John Clayton, Thomas Clies, Chalice Clift, Samuel Cock, John Coke, Henry Colborne, George Colebrook William Collins, James Collins, Richard Collins, William Connon, John Conolly, David Conolly, David Cook, Charles Cook, Francis Goude Coomb, James Coombs, John Cooper Thomas Cooper, Nathaniel Cousens, William Cousens, William Cousins, John Ward Cousins, Thomas Cox, George Cox, Henry Crampton, Thomas Crassweller, Charles Crompton, William Croom, James Crule, George Cuddemore, John Cuddermore, William Cullingford, Thomas Cullis, William Cunningham, Thomas Curry, Thomas Curtiss, George Dadd, James Dale, William James Dance, William Daniels, David Daniels, Michael Dash, Edward Dashwood, James Davenport, Joseph Daviss, Charles Daviss, George Daviss, Henry Dawson, William Deddam, William Dilks, Joseph Dilling, William Dimmer, William Donally, John Donnison, John Dorey, George Dorrell, David Dorrington, Charles Double, George Downton, George, Jun. Downton, George, Senr. Dray, Alfred Driscoll, Dennis Duke, Robert Dummer, William Dunn, Archibald Dyer, J oseph Dyer, James Eade, James Earwicker, Robert Eason, Richard Comley East, Edward Eaton, William Edmonds, William Edwards, John Edwards, John Elford, Samuel Matthew Elley, Samuel Elliott, Joseph Ellis, John Ellis, Thomas Emanuel, Emanuel Emanuel, Henry Michael Emanuel, Judah Emery, Edward Emery, William Escott, Charles Evans, John Evans, Nehemiah Everett, Henry Eversfield, Alfred Fabin, James Fall, William Fancy, James Fenn, Thomas Flamagan, Michael Fletcher, William Flowers, William Fogwell, Roger Fogwill, Richard Foot, George Foot, John Forbes, Samuel Darley Forsyth, William Forsyth, William Foster, Robert Franklin, James Franklin, John Fraser, George Fraser, James Freeman, William Friedeberg, Jacob Friedeberg, Mark Friedeberg, Morris Frohwein, Jacob Fry, George Fryor, James Gamblen, Joseph Garrington, Arthur Merrifield Gaskin, John Gauntlett, Charles George, William German, Charles Giles, John Gillham, James Gillies, Thomas Gittens, John Godwin, William Gold, Alfred Goldsmith, David Good, Edwin Goodenough, Thomas Goodfellow, John Gould, Alfred Grantham, William Gratan, William Green, Thomas Gregory, Charles Gregory, James Griffin, James Griffin, William Grocer, Thomas Grossmith, Samuel Grover, William Grubb, James Grubb, William Grundy, George Guthrie, David Haigs, Joseph Haine, Thomas Hale, Thomas Hamm, David Hammell, William Hannam, Meshech Harris, Henry Harris, Jesse Harris, Newman Harris, Thomas Harris, Thomas Hart, Solomon Harvey, Edward John Harvey, Richard Haslehurst, Job Hawkins, George Hawkins, George Hawton, William Hays, Thomas Haysom, Thomas Hayward, Robert Hedger, James Helby, James Helby, William Edward Helby, William Plyer Hembest, George Hendy, Charles Henwood, John Hester, Thomas Hewett, Edward Hewett, William Henry Higgins, Peter Hill, Frederick Hill, George Hill, Thomas Hilton, John Hind, Henry Hinton, Thomas Hiscott, Charles Hoar, George Hoar, John Hoar, Thomas Hobson, James Holder, Michael Holder, William Holding, William Holland, William Hollanders, Emil Hollanders, Joseph Hollier, Charles Honey, George Horn, John Horton, Charles Hoskins, George Hoskins, George Houghton, Charles Mew Houghton, George Hounsom, George Howard, Richard Howell, Thomas, Jun. Hubbard, Joseph Hudson, Alexander Hudson, Henry Hughes, Henry Humby, William, Jun. Humphrey, George Humphrey, William Humphreys, Henry Hurlock, William Husband, John Hussey, David Hutchings, John Hymans, Emanuel Ingram, James Ingram, John Joseph Isaacs, Abraham Pinero Jacobs, Charles Jacobs, Jacob Jacobs, Jacob Robert James, Edward James, Frederick Jameson, John Jeffery, James Jefferys, William Jenkins, John Jennings, George Jerram, Joseph George Johnson, Henry Johnson, James Johnson, Josiah Johnson, Robert Johnson, Stephen Johnston, Andrew Jones, Henry Jones, James Jones, John Jones, John Jones, Thomas Jones, William Joseph, Barnett Joseph, Isaac Keets, William Keevell, Stephen Kelgosso, Michael Kemp, Henry Kent, William Kent, William Lawrence Kenzil, John Kerswell, George Kerwood, Samuel Key, Thomas Key, William Kilpin, Joseph Kind, Charles King, Andrew King, James King, Joseph King, Thomas King, William Kingsbury, Robert Kirton, George Kite, Zebulon Knight, James Knight, John Knight, John Koioviske, John Lakeman, Edward Lakeman, Stephen Lamb, James Lamb, James Lampard, George Lampard, Stephen Lancaster, James Lancaster, James Lander, John Landor, James Lane, Henry Lane, John Lang, Francis Langford, William Larey, John Larey, John Laterman, Charles Lathan, James Lavender, Thomas Law, George William Lawrence, Frederick Laws, Elijah Layton, James Lee, George Lee, John Lee, Moses Lee, Robert Legg, William Lemon, Peter Lewarn, Michael Lewis, Henry Lewis, John Lewis, Joseph Lewis, Robert Lewis, William Lipscomb, William Lock, James Lock, John Long, Daniel Shawyer. Longyear, George Lonnon, William Loveder, James Lovelock, John Low, Edwin Low, Francis Lucas, John Ludford, Alfred Luff, John Luff, William Lumley, William Lush, Joseph Lynch, James Maddock, James Manley, Thomas Mann, William Marchmont, John Marsh, Benjamin Marsh, Henry Marsh, Henry Marsh, William Marshall, William Orange Martell, Edward Martin, James Martin, John Martin, William Marvin, Edwin Orlando Matthews, Edward Matthews, George Matthews, Henry Matthews, Robert Matthews, William McCloud, John McDonald, John McDonald, Patrick McDonald, William McKenzie, John McLeod, George Mercy, William Miall, William Midgley, John Miles, Alfred Miles, Edmund Miller, Edward Miller, Henry Miller, William Millman, Samuel Mills, Arthur Mills, John Mindego, James Mitchell, John Thomas Mitchell, Joseph Mohen, James Moody, James Moore, Stephen Moore, Thomas Moore, Thomas Morallee, John Moulton Moreton, John Morey, Joseph Morey, Samuel Morgan, William Morley, William Morrell, Samuel Mortimore, Henry Mortimore, James Morze, Blexhill Moses, Alexander Moss, Benjamin Woolfe Motion, John Mott, Andrew Luther Moyle, William Murphey, George Murphey, William Murrant, Francis Robert Nance, Frederick Nathan, Henry Nathan, Lewis Nelson, Henry Newland, Richard Newnham, John Newnham, William Newton, John Nicholson, Joseph Norman, Henry Norton, William Nunn, James Ockenden, Christopher Ockenden, William Odderley, Thomas Oughton, Philip Owen, James Padwick, William Page, Thomas Palmer, Edward Talbot Pankhurst, Arthur Pannell, George Parks, William James Parkyn, James Parkyn, Richard Parlett, Thomas Parnell, John Cousens Parr, Joseph Patrick, Richard Pattenden, Alfred Pattenden, John Payne, Henry Payne, John Payne, Samuel Pearce, George Pearce, William Pearce, William Pearsall, William Peatty, Stephen Pecker, James Peckham, James Pennigal, John Penny, Thomas Penny, Thomas Perks, Edward Roger Perry, Charles Perry, Philip Pett, John Petworth, James Pickford, John Pike, Lewis Pine, Horatio Pinhorn, John Pink, Charles Pitt, John Pleasance, Thomas Pope, Joseph Portway, Joseph Potter, William Potts, James Power, Frederick Pratt, Charles Pratt, George Pratt, John Preston, Stephen Price, Thomas Prince, George Prince, James Prince, John Prince, Joseph Prince, Joseph Prior, Charles Pritchard, William Pryor, Thomas Purchase, Joseph Purkis, Charles Henry Putman, Edward Rake, George Ralps, Simeon Rand, William Rands, William Rannie, William Ratsey, George Edward Rayner, Samuel Rayner, Samuel Redward, William Charles Ree, John Rees, Henry Reglar, William Rendell, Andrew Richards, Edward Richards, homas Richards, James Richards, Thomas Richards, Thomas Riddett, George Ritchie, William Rivett, William Robins, James Rocherford, John Rogers, George Rogers, John Rogers, William Rook, William Room, Henry Rooms, Henry Roper, Charles Rowe, James Rowe, Richard Rowell, Robert Clear Rowell, Robert Henry Rugg, Edward Samuel Rummer, Thomas Russell, Richard Ryan, Charles Ryan, Richard Ryder, George Ryder, Richard Sangster, William John Sanson, George Saunders, Jeremiah Savage, Joseph Scarrott, Charles Scarrott, George Scoffield, William Scott, James Scott, John Scott, John Scott, William Seagrove, Edward Augustus Seagrove, William Aylward Sharp, Robert Shaw, William Shawyer, John Shelly, Henry Sheppard, John Sheppard, Robert Sheppard, William Sheppard, William Shergold, George Sherman, George Sherwood, Thomas Sherwood, William Shinneck, Thomas Short, Thomas Shoveller, John Silverlock, Henry Silverlock, William Simes, Henry Simmons, Edward Simmons, John Sims, Henry Skinner, Joseph Skinner, Joseph Slade, James John Slade, Thomas Slemming, Robert Smith, Frederick Smith, George Smith, George Smith, John Smith, John Smith, John Titus Smith, Joseph Snelling, Thomas Snooke, Hargood Snow, James Sothcott, Henry Southgate, Henry Spencer, William Stace, Benjamin Stanswood, John Stapleford, Edmund Stevens, John Stevens, John Stevens, Thomas Stevens, William Stevens, William Stone, John Suett, William Sutton, George Symon, William Talbott, Matthew Tammage, Henry Tarrant, John Taylor, Francis Taylor, George Taylor, George Taylor, James Taylor, James Taylor, James Taylor, John Taylor, Thomas Taylor, William Teem, William Terry, James Thaw, John Thomas, Henry Thorpe, John Tilly, George Tilly, William Carey Titherage, George Titherington, George Toole, Lawrence Henry Totterdell, John Totterdell, Matthew George Tout, Charles Tout, James Treadgold, William Tresias, William Tribe, Benjamin Triggs, Benjamin Trotter, Ralph Truscott, Thomas Tuck, John Tulk, James Turner, George Turner, George Turner, Henry Turner, John Edward Tutton, James Tyte, Samuel Vanhear, James Vaughan, Charles Vincent, George Vinnecombe, James Voke, Joseph Voller, Henry Wadden, Robert Walder, George Wall, Charles Wall, James Walsh, Richard Walters, Thomas Warder, David Warn, James Warn, John Warn, John, Junior Warren, John Watkins, James Watkins, William Henry Watson, Thomas Watts, James Wavell, William Way, William Augustus Way, William Charles Webb, Ephraim Webb, Joseph Webb, William Webber, William Wedge, Edward Wellard, Thomas Wendover, George West, Charles West, James West, William Westbrook, Matthew Wheeler, Daniel Wheeler, Frederick Wheeler, George Wheeler, Henry White, Henry White, James White, Peter White, Peter John White, William White, William White, William Wickenden, Thomas Wilkinson, William Williams, David Williams, Edward Williams, George Williams, John Williams, John Williams, Joseph Williams, Michael Williams, Thomas Willis, John Wills, George Wills, John Wills, Thomas Pratt Willshire, John Wilson, James Wilson, James Wilson, Tames Windsor, George Windsor, George Windsor, Joseph Wooden, Isaac Woodley, William Woodrow, Alfred Woods, Robert Woods, William David Woodward, James Worth, John Wyatt, James Yoell, Lewis Young, Henry Young, Henry Yule, George Yuly, Levi Zachariah, Seriskie
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53, White's row Kent street 60, Hanover street 52, Hawke street 5, Bishop street 3, Little Britain street 15, The Hard 51, St. George's square 38, Butcher street 7, Portland street Lion street 6, Lion terrace 32, Union street 41, St. George's Square 3, St.George's buildings 15, Britain street 48, Hanover street 90, Queen street 8, Lion terrace 49, Union street 1, Half-Moon street 28, Queen street 26, St. George's square 4, Palmer's court 54, St. James' street 10, Godden's row 5, Ordnance row 23, Ordnance row 44, Queen street 4, Union street 15, Taylor's court 28, Hawke street 54, Union street 5, Pafoot's court 4, Kent street 23, St. George's square 24, Bishop Street 56, St. George's square 7, Albion street 7, The Dell 4, Aslett's court 49, Kent street 36, Queen street 4, Burgess's court 8, Sun street 24, Albion street 8, Kent street 4, Widger's court 17, Wickham street 1, Wickham street 17, Kent street 34, Albion street 8, Hanover place 7, King's Bench alley 63, St. George's Square 62, Union street 12, Kent street 53, Queen street 36, White's row 53, Queen street 29, Kent street 7, Queen street 32, Hawke street 3, Hanover place 11, Aylward street 9, Queen street 25, Lion terrace 46, St. George's Square 19, Havant street 32, Britain street 11, Union street 6, Ordnance row 56, Union street 29, St. James's street 31, St. George's square Half-Moon street 4, Aylward street 27, Queen street 19, The Hard 33, St. James's street 4, Richmond cottages 30, Queen street 5, Pollard's court 12, Clock street 28, Military row 43, St. James's street 24, Queen street 19, Wickham street 3, Concert alley 22, Lion terrace 27, Lion terrace St. James's street 47, Hawke street 1, Dean street 2, Smith's court 33, Havant street 55, Queen street 24, Southampton row 1, Burgess' court 1, Pud's lane 44, Kent street 40, Hanover street 1, Redward's court 10, Lion terrace 10, College street 10, St. George's passage 4, Ranwell's court 12, Hanover street 40, St. James's street 49, Kent street 2, Redward's court 59, Kent street 2, Cranby's court 8, The Dell 4, Burgess' court 45, Havant street 31, College street 9, Hanover street 10, College lane 4, Irons' passage 6, Monday's court 12, Hawke street 15, Rosemary lane 15, Ordnance row 15, Ordnance row 5, Rosemary lane 9, Hawke street 61, Havant street 22, Ordnance row 23, Southampton row 11, Kent street 2, Palmer's court 1, Hampton court 4, Dean street 42, White's Row 28, Hanover street 2, Watermen's Alley 7, Union street 58, Hanover street 2, Camden alley 69, St. George's square 11, Queen street 4, Dean street 7, The Hard 11, Bishop street 40, Queen street 47, Union Street 70, St. George's square 17, Hay street 4, Bishop's court 1, Bennett's court 35, Hawke street 4, St. James's street 17, St. James's street 3, Sun street 6, Sun street 24, The Hard 5, Wigg's court 1, Richmond place 2, Sun court 12, Camden alley 7, Hampton court 50, Kent street 10, College lane 17, Ordnance row 27, Kent street 21, Lion terrace 12, St. George's square 2, Dollard's court 8, Hampton court 30, Albion street 31, Albion street 36, St. James's street 24, Queen street 42, Kent street 2, Andrews' buildings Southampton row 3, Andrew's court 1, Taylor's court 4, Spearing's court 26, Lion terrace 5, Union street 49, Havant street 1, Lion terrace 24, Britain street 11, Lion terrace 8, Taylor's court 2, Andrews' buildings 12, Pud's lane 66, Union street 3, Butcher street 21, Butcher street 5, Lion street 74, St. George's square 46, Kent street 6, Pafoot's court Meeting house alley 65, Queen street 18, Queen street 15, Hawke street 3, Camden place 6, Providence court 8, Bateman's alley 4, St. George's buildings 11, St. James' street 6, Providence court 9, Wickham street 10, Wickham street 3, Bishop's court 26, Hawke street 41, White's row 9, King's bench alley 41, Havant street 77, St. George's square 27, College street 32, Havant street 6, Lion terrace 2, Ranwell's court 32, Hanover street 1, Mitre alley 14, Kent street 20, Union street 16, Albion street 7, Turner's court 60, Union street 13, Sun street 9, Ordnance row 36, Albion street 4, Butcher street 25, Union street 34, Hanover street 5, Wedger's court 2, Britain street 11, Gardner's buildings 20, The Hard 16, Hawke street 3, Burgess' court 18, Lion terrace 111, Queen street 66, Havant street 3, The Hard 12, Ordnance row 15, Bishop street 47, St. James's street 70, Queen street 1, Andrews' court 14, Taylor's court 4, Pafoot court 8, Smith's court 27, Hanover street 2, Redward's court 2, King's bench alley 46, Bishop street 3, Pud's lane 1, Bartlett's buildings 32, Queen street 2, Hampton court 2, Pud's lane 16, The Hard 10, Aylward street 9, Bishop street 59, Hanover street 48, St. James's street 35, Union street 9, Southampton row 2, Bishop's court 4, Hanover street 1, Bishop's court 7, Hanover street 147, Queen street 81, Queen street 25, Butcher street 9, College street 25, College street 39, Britain street 1, Jacob's court 15, Union street 22, St. George's square 41, Albion street 51, Hawke street 38, Union street 12, Sun street 3, Havant place 8, Clock street 58, Queen street 12, The Hard 4, Butcher street 4, Peel street 4, College street 52, Kent street Cardigan place 18, Ordnance row 1, Hampton court Pud's lane 9, Pay's buildings 5, St. George's passage 30, Union street 59, Union street 2, The Hard 36, Hanover street 3, Meeting-house alley 25, Union street 34, Queen street 22, Havant street 26, The Hard 9, Providence court 7, Hobbs' court 21, St. James's street 69, Union street 10, Southampton row 32, Union street 99, Queen street 27, Queen street 7, College street 81, Queen street 30, St. James's street 67, Havant street 7, Britain street 8, College street 27, Union street 6, Taylor's court 69, Queen street 6, St. George's passage 6, Lion street 28, Bishop street 12, Havant street 3, Sun street 9, Butcher street 57, Kent street 3, Britain street 35, Queen street 1, Kent street 34, Hawke, street 161, Queen street 6, Bishop street 11, Havant street 11, Dean street 86, Queen street 2, Nobbs' court 12, Southampton row 16, Butcher street 14, Sun street 15, St. George's square 16, Bishop street 80, Queen street 4, College lane 183, Queen street 63, Union street 1, Gardner's buildings 3, Spearing's court 22, Britain street 48, White's row 51, St. James's street 10, St. James's street 60, Union street 57, Union street Kent street 17, Pud's lane 23, King's bench alley 14, The Hard 1, Nunn's court 6, Monday's court 10, Union place 9, Monday's court Aylward street 1, Sun court 17, Bishop street 3, Grist's court 19, College street 68, Queen street 50, St. James's street 42, Queen street 10, Hay street 20, Hay street 21, Southampton row 1, Mitre alley 36, St. James's street 3, Redward court 49, Hawke street 79, St. George's square 7, Godden's row 7, Hawke street 21 College street 33, College street 32, Queen street 32, Queen street 13, King's bench alley 12, College street 20, Hawke street 3, Smith's court 15, Butcher street 39, Queen street 1, Little Britain street 84, Queen street 31, Hawke street 33, College street 4, Turner's court 60, Queen street 3, Wickham street 9, Union street 23, Union street 116, Queen street 9, Britain street 1, Palmer's court 72, St. George's square 7, Godden's row 93, Queen street 1, Ordnance row 11, Albion street 4, Hanover place 1, Rawlins' court 53, Union street 6, Lion terrace 57, Queen street 22, Smith's lane 7, Hanover street 31, College street 20, King's bench alley 5, Bartlett's buildings 34, The Hard 2, Kent street 20, Butcher street 42, Hanover street 9, Britain street 3 Lion terrace 1, The Hard 37, St. George's square 10, Albion street 3, Miall's court 58, St. George's square 4, Collings' court 2, Miall's court 5, Andrews' buildings 9, Hamburgh square 1, Hanover street 23, Hawke street 39, Hawke street 8, Southampton row 42, St. James's street 3, Half-moon street 2, St. George's square Godden's row 5, Meeting-house alley 3, Duffs court 2, Albion street Kent street 2, Peel street 15, Kent street Frett's court 7, Hobbs' court 10, Dean street 3, Albion street 3, Queen street 3, Kent street 3, White Horse alley 2, Miall's court 10, Ordnance row 33, Hawke street 17, St. George's square 37, Havant street 15, Sun street 5, Carpenter's court 6, Dean street 2, Spearing's court 22, Butcher street 26, Ordnance row 11, Smith's lane 1, Aslett's court 7, Hanover street 2, Godden's row 16, Havant street Kent street 16, St. James' street 26, Hanover street 20, The Hard 38, Kent street 17, St. George's square 10, Hobbs' court 4, Godden's row 4, Bishop's court 2, Redward's court 21, The Hard 16, College street St. George's square 13, Kent street 6, Wickham street 3, Bateman's alley 3, Hay street 6, Lion street 9, Albion street 25, Albion street 17, Albion street 3, Clock street 66, Hanover street 7, Ordnance row 5, Peel street 3, Green's court 58, Havant street 6, Camden alley 10, The Hard 1, Bateman's alley 66, Queen street 17, Hay street 10, Queen street 7, Pay's buildings 30, College street 1, Waterman's alley 3, Dean street 24, Smith's lane 40, Havant street 8, Smith's lane 8, St. George's buildings 7, St. George's buildings 1, St. George's square 24, Butcher street 3, Godden's row 9, St. George's buildings 37, Butcher street 17, Ordnance row 31, Kent street 13, Havant street 7, Clock street 51, Kent street 9, Lion terrace 2, Rosemary lane 4, Taylor's court 14, St. George's square 4, Clay's buildings 64, Union street 16, Butcher street 35, St. George's square 28, St. James's street 50, St. George's square 21, Queen street 6, Butcher street 3, Munday's court 63, Queen street 3, Waterman's alley 13, Britain street 25, The Hard 1, Clock street 12, Pud's lane 16, St. George's square 10, The Dell 1, Cranby's court 32, Albion street 66, St. George's square 14, Union street 34, Union street 23, College street 1, White's court 69, Hanover street 44, Bishop street 16, Britain street 3, The Dell 6, Hampton court 1, Half Moon street 3, Ranwell's court Aylward street 8, College lane 27, Kent street 2, Burgess' court 6, Hobb's court 68, Union street 36, Havant street 15, Hanover street 30, Kent street 8, Pafoot's court 67, North street 64, Hanover street 19, Queen street 5, Dollard's court 15, St. James's street 39, Bishop street 2, Taylor's court 16, College lane 50, Kent street 30, Bishop street 139, Queen street 4, Hobb's court 50, Britain street 24, Bateman alley 2, Little Britain street 12, Union street 21, Hanover street 5, Pud's Lane 6, Kent place 1, St. George's buildings 17, Havant street 11, Waterman's alley 126, Queen street 64, St. George's square 34, Britain street 18, Havant street 30, Daniel street 57, Havant street 9, Ranwell's court 6, Duff's court 31, Hanover street 3, Union street 19, St. George's square 7, Pud's lane 31, St. James's street 32, Bishop street 45, Queen street 41, Queen street 30, Britain street 26, Queen street 18, The Hard 76, Queen street 76, Queen street 5, Queen street 3, Gardner's buildings 86, Queen street 5, Sun street 3, Margary's court 46, St. James's street 1, Havant place 25, Hanover street 12, Hay street 28, Britain street 3, Portland street 72, Queen street 6, Gardner's buildings 75, St. George's square 4, Camden alley 11, Godden's row 48, Queen street 71, St. George's square 21, St. James's street 11, Clock street 13, The Hard 22, Lion terrace 3, White horse alley 63, Havant street 13, Hawke street 2, Clay's buildings 7, Dean street 8, Wickham street 21, Havant street 4, St. George's passage 33, Havant street 33, St. George's square 9, Smith's Lane 2, Apollo's court 19, Bishop street 10, Margary's court 6, Smith's court 8, Bishop street 41, Hanover street 9, The Dell 13, Wickham street 7, The Hard 36, North street 5, Smith's lane 8, Taylor's court 44, Britain street 25, Queen street 15, Hay street 1, Clay's buildings 14, Wickham street 10, Smith's lane 56, Kent street 4, Rosemary lane 43, Union street 87, Queen street 6, College street 3, College lane 4, Wickham street 38, Albion street 10, Clock street 17, Aylward street 17, Southampton row 79, Queen street 1, Camden place 5, Albion street 22, The Hard 22, The Hard 1, Britain street 19, Southampton row 29, Union street 5, College lane 17, King's bench alley 16, Southampton row 1, Levy's court 8, Hawke street 27, Britain street 11, The Hard 2, Wickham street 9, Providence court 1, Providence court 16, King's Bench alley 35, Kent street 23, Hanover street 55, Union street 6, Clock street 8, Lion terrace 88, Queen street 61, Queen street 45, Britain street 45, St. George's square 58, Union street 45, St. George's square 65, Hanover street 2, White Horse alley 4, Portland street Dockyard 4, Pud's lane 9, White Horse alley 7, Butcher street 1, Duff's court 1, College street 20, Union street 33, The Hard 16, Hanover street 2, Waterman's alley 55, Kent slreet 36, Britain street 1, Cardigan place 20, Kent street 7, Bishop street 29, Albion street 38, Havant street 22, Hanover street 35, Havant street 8, Camden alley 12, College lane 21, Lion terrace 62, Havant street 1, Clapperton court 3, Hellyer's passage 9, St. George's square 7, St. James's street 2, Red ward's cottage 25, Kent street 30, Hawke street 3, Hawke street 8, Monday's Court 82, Queen street 1, Aylward street 30, Kent street 4, Duff's court 43, Bishop street 5, Lion place 46, Hawke street 3, Wickham street 2, Ordnance row 50, Queen street 22, St. George's square 9, Dollard court 39, St. James's street 5, St. George's square 76, St. George's square 18, King street 1, Bishop street 51, Bishop street 4, Hawke street 5, Peel's place Albion Street 5, Hampton court 10, Lion terrace 26, Kent street 40, Britain street 70, Hanover street 39, St. George's square 78, Queen street 26, St. George's square 1, Hanover place 2, Aslett's court 2, Monday's court 2, Dean street 11, Ranwell court 29, St. George's square 13, Clock street 67, Hanover street 54, Britain street 8, Lion street 49, Britain street 9, Hay street 18, Wickham street 5, White's row 22, Hanover street 4, Lion terrace 32, Hanover street 27, Hanover street 6, Hay street 28, Bishop street 25, St. George's square 2, Mitre alley 4, Havant street 1, Portland street 16, Hanover street 51, Hanover street 48, Kent street 39, Bishop street 3, College street 2, Portland street 15, Pud's lane 1, St. James's street 57, Hanover Street Southampton row 51, White's row 3, Jacob's court 14, Britain street 29, Bishop street 35, St. George's square 9, Hay street 35, Bishop street 17, Hawke street 1, Carpenter's court 45, Union street 33, Hanover street 29, Queen street 5, Portland street 19, Butcher street 73, St. George's square 7, Taylor's court 68, Union street 18, Britain street 3, Cardigan place 30, Havant street 8, Godden's row 44, Union street 13, St. James' street 9, Rosemary lane 4, Ordnance row 16, Rosemary lane 29, Butcher street 4 Lion place 7, Portland street 31, St. George's square 5, Lion terrace 24, Hanover street 39, St. James' street 5, Smith's court 59, Havant street 3, Frett's court 12, Taylor's court 41, Union street 2, White's court 37, Queen street Aylward street 3, Palmer's court 4, Albion street 20, Smith's lane 7, Hawke street 35, St. James' street 61, Kent street 42, Havant street 72, Queen street