Abrahams, Abram Alexander, William Edmund Alford, Aurariah Alford, Stephen Alldridge, John Lumley Allen, Frederick Anchor Charles Anchor Charles Antill, Nathaniel Artis, Paul Ashford, James Furrance Atkins, John Elias Atkins, John Elias, jun. Austen, Joseph Aylen, James Ayling, George Ayling, Henry Aylward, Janes Baigent, Charles Alfred Bailey, Peter Bainton, John Baker, Frederick Baker, George, jnr. Baker, Henry Baker, William Ball, Matthew Banks, Joseph James Jabez Barnes, William Barnett, Joseph Barrett, John Barron, James Barron, Mark Charles Barron, William Barron, William Bartlett, Henry Bartlett, James Bartlett, John Base, William Batchelor, George Batchelor, George Robert Batchelor, Thomas Batchelor, Thomas, jun. Batchelor, William Batchelor, William Henry Bath, Henry Baxendine, George Baxter, Thomas Hollist Beale, Benjamin Beale, Edward Beale, Joseph Beale, William Beech, Thomas Beems, Thomas Bernthall, Alfred Bevis, George Biden, James Binsteed, Charles Henry Bishop, George Prince Blackwell, John Blake, William Blampin, John Bloxam, Henry Body, Edwin Body, John Bolt, John Henry Bond, John Bond, William Bore, Frederic Braddock, James Bradley, Richard William Bratt, James Bratt, John Brenton, William Bridgen, Charles Bridgen, James Brimmicome, Edward Brimmicome, Thomas Brooking, William Brooks, Robert Brown, George Brown, George David Brown, James Brown, William Browning, Samuel John Brunt William Buckett, John Budd, Richard Burges, John Edward Burne, John Edward Burnett, Charles Burnett, John Burnett, William Burrell, James Fitchett Burrows, Robert Burrows, Stephen Butler, Thomas Bythaway, Thomas Calcott, James Camwell, Luke Cantle, James Carline, John Carter, Henry Carter, James Christopher Cash, Thomas Casher, Henry Joe Casher, John Francis Casher, William Burnaby Castell, Henry Cavander, William Chambers, William Grant Chamney, William Charpentier, William Henry Chase, Henry Chestle, James Childs, Henry Childs, James Linington Childs, Joseph Linington Childs, William Churcher, John Churcher, Stephen Clapcot, William John Clark, Edmund Clark, George Clark, Joseph Clay, James Coker, George Coles, Caleb Coles, James William Collins, Henry Collins, James Comley, John Constantine, Jeremiah Cook, Henry Cook, James Cook, Thomas Cook, William Coote, John Coote, John, jun. Copes, Robert Cottrill, John Cottrill, Thomas Cox, Thomas Henry Crafts, Richard Crew, William Crofts, William Cross, Edward Crumpler, James Cullingworth, Charles James Daish, William Dash, Thomas Davis, Joseph Davis, William Day, William Deck, George Denham, Charles Denham, William Dennison, John Devereux, William Doble, Henry Dodd, George Dore, William Douse, Zacharias Doust, John Dial Downer, Andrew Dowset, Henry Dreweatt, Francis James Dreweatt, Thomas Drury, Alfred Dryden, Charles Duck, Edwin Dudley, Joseph Dudley, Samuel Edmund Duffield, John Dugan, George Dugan, Patrick Duke, Henry Elcock, Richard Henry Eley, Robert Elkins, Robert Elkins, William Elliott, Benjamin Elliott, Edward Elliott, George Elliott, Williatn Ellis, George Emanuel, Emanuel Emanuel, Ezekiel Emery, George Emery, Thomas Etheridge, Joseph Etherington, Reuben Evelegh, George Carter Exton, James Faithfull, Henry Fiske, Thomas Hammond Fogwill, William Ford, Richard William Ford, William Fowler, George Fox, William Frampton, Thomas Fry, James Fuge, William Galpin, Samuel Galt, Edwin Galt, Joseph James Gamble, James Gardiner, Frederick Gardner, Henry Gardner, Ishmael Garratt, Samuel Wyatt Gates, James Gauntlett, Francis Gauntlett, Henry Francis Gibbon, Robert Gilbert, James Giles, William Gill, William Gillard, James Gillman George Godwin, John Gordon, Thomas Grant, Henry Grant, William Green, George Green, William Greetham, Samuel Grinder, James Groves, John Guy, Thomas Hale, Henry Hale, Joseph Hammond, Phineas Harbin, John Harcourt, George Harding, Arthur Harding, Isaac Harmsworth, Thomas Harrington, George Fellows Harris, James Harris, Robert Hart, James Hart, Josiah Hatch, James Hatchett, Henry Hawkins, Stephen Haydon, James Hayward, Joseph Hayward, Robert Hayward, Thomas Heal, James Heath, William Heather, Alfred Hellard, Charles Bettesworth Hellard, George Bettesworth Hexter, William Higgins, Charles Hill, David Hill, Thomas Hill, William Henry Hinton, Benjamin Hodson Hoare, John Hobbins, Thomas Hobbs, George Hocking, John Holder, Charles Hollaway, George Hollins, Thomas Holmes, Charles Holmes, Joseph Hook, Edward Hooper, James Hooper, William Horner, Charles Horwood, William Howard, Daniel Howard, John Howard, William Howell, John Augustus Howell Hudson, Thomas Humphries, William Hutchings, John Irvine, Samuel Jacobs, Charles Jamison, George John Jeffery, Isaac Jenkins, Benjamin Johnson, James Johnson, William Judd, William Jupp, Henry Kemp, William Kent, William Lawrence Ketchlove, Edward Kimber, John King, George King, Thomas Kitchener, Robert Knott, Charles Knott, Kennard Lampard, John Lane, George Lang, John Lang, Joseph Langley, Henry Lapthorn, William Henry Latter, John Lawrence, Joseph Edward Westcot Lee, John Leggett, John Lemmon, John Lemmon, Richard Levy, David Lewington, George Lewis, Henry Lewis, William Lewis, William Lipscomb, John Lipson, Robert Litchfield, William Little, Hugh Livesay, Augustus Frederick Lodge, Thomas Loe, George Long, George Loveday, Thomas Lovelock, John Luscombe, Edward Maddick, John Main, Cornelius Main, Edward Main, Edward Main, George Main, Reuben Main, William Mallars, James Marsh, George Marshall, Frederick Martin, James Martin, John Martin, John Martin, William Massey, George Matthews, James Nelson May, Charles McBryan, James McCheane, John McCheane, Thomas McDougal, Benjamin McDougal, Henry McDougal, James McGhie, John Poulett McKenzie, George McSheen, Henry Megginson, Botterill Miller, Barnard Charles Miller, Frederick Miller, John Miller, John Miller, John William Mills, James Milner, Edward William Mitchell, Henry James Mitchell, Robert Moody, William Moore, Arthur Moore, John Moore, Palms Moore, Thomas Moorman. George Moreton, Joseph Morgan, George Morgan, James Morrison, William Munday, James Nance, Andrew Nash, Samuel Neale, James New, James Newland, William Bingham Newlyn, John Nicholas, John Norkett, Henry Norris, James North, George Charles Notting, Robert Ogburn, Joseph Owen, Evan Owen, Henry Owen, Richard Paffard, Josep (sic) Palmer, Edwin Pappalardo, Vincent Parsons, William Passells, Edward Passells, William Patchett, William Payne, James Payne, Samuel Pearce, James Pearce, James Pearce, Richard Peckham, Edward Pescott, George Petty, James Piercey, Moses Pink, John Pitt, George Pittis, Richard Matthew Plasto, Henry Poate, Richard Pook, William Poole, William Pope, Henry Pounds, Charles Pounds, John Powell, George Pratt, John Prew, Thomas Pritchard, Edward Privett, John Proctor, David Purchase, William Quinton, John Randall, Henry Raper, William Augustus Rassell, Charles Reed, James Reynolds, Thomas Richards, George Richards, George Richardson, Albert John Richman, William Rickman, William Riley, William Henry Robbins, John Robinson, Alfred Robert Rogers, William Tubb Rolph, Thomas Roper, William Roper, William, jun. Rout, George Rout, George Clark Sargeant, Henry Sargeant, William Saunders, Thomas Saunders, William Saunders, William Savage, George Savage, Thomas Savage, W illiam Savell, William Saxton, Edward Schillamore, Edward Sealley, Samuel Shearer, John Rodney Sheppard, David Sheppard, George Sheppard, James Sheppard, John Shitler, John Silvester, John Simmonds, George Simpson, James Simpson, William Slight, Henry Slight, Julian Smith, George Smith, Horatio Nelson Smith, John Smith, John Smith, John Smith, John Smith, Robert Smithers, John Houghton Snook, George Snook, William Solomon, Samuel Ellis Spalding, John Sparrow James Spencer, Joseph Spencer, William Spencer, William John Sprake, James Squance, Frederick John Stainer, James Stapleford, John Stebbing, George James Stent, John Stephens, James Stewart, James Stockwell, Stephen Stokes, Richard William Stone, Philip Stow, Samuel Sullivan, Daniel Surmon, William Swainson, William Tait, John Tait, Thomas Tarrant, John Taylor, Joseph Taylor, Robert Terry, John Tevoy, Thomas Thomas, Rees Thompson, John Thorp, John Tibbitts, Jarvis Sowley Tilly, William Tilly, William Tollervey, George Hewlett Towsey, William Trayler, James Treakell, Joseph Trew, William Turner, Alfred Turner, William Tyhurst, William Ubsdell, Richard Henry Clements Urry, Cornelius Vallancey, George Preston Vandenbergh, Arnoldus Louis Vandenbergh, Louis Arnoldus Vicat, Thomas Vickery, James Vincent, Geoige Vincent, William Vine, Charles Vine, Charles Waldron, Joseph Wale, Thomas Walker, Henry Walker, John Walker, William Wallis, William Ward, John Ward, Joseph Warrell, Sheriff Warren, Simon Waters, Thomas Way, James Way, James William Weaver, Richard Webb, George Webb, John Webb, John Webb, William Weeks, Henry Weeks, Thomas Weeks, William Wells, William Westmore, John Wheeler, Charles Wheeler, John Wheeler, John William Whitcombe, Joseph George White, Alfred White, Joseph White, Richard White, Richard White, William Whittle, George Wickenden, William Williams, Edward Wilson, David Wilson, William Windsor, James Winship, George Wood, Thomas Woodford, John Woodhouse, George Woodman, Francis Woollven, Charles Wright, James Wright, William Yatman, Thomas
house house house house house house house house warehouse house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house shop house house house house house house house house house house house house house warehouse house house house house warehouse house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house shop house house house house house house house house house house warehouse house house house house house house house house counting house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house warehouse house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house shop house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house warehouse house house house house house house house store house warehouse house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house shop house house house house house shop house house house house house house house house house house house house shop house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house warehouse house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house counting house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house warehouse house house house house house house house house house house house warehouse house house house house warehouse house house house warehouse house house shop house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house shop house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house store house house house house house house house house house house house counting house store store house house house house house house house house house house house shop house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house shop house house house house house house house house house house house house
Cromwell's alley Broad street St. Nicholas street East street High street St. Mary street Oyster street East street Oyster street East street Prospect row Green row Green row Prospect row Golden Lion lane Nelson's court Green's court High street road High street Cockey's alley St. Mary street High street Broad street Grand parade West street Carver's court Oyster street St. Thomas' street High street Broad street Trimmer's court Broad street East street Golden Lion lane Seager's court Broad street Broad street Warblington street Nelson's court Warblington street Lombard street High street St. Thomas' street Red Lion yard Warblington street Smith's court Lombard street East street Bath square East street East street St. Mary street Crown street Oyster street St. Thomas' street High street High street Lombard street High street East street Nelson's court Grand parade Pembroke street Bratt's court St. Thomas' street Broad street Tower street Barrack street Lombard street St. Thomas' street St. Mary street Martell's court, St. Mary street Barrack street St. Thomas' street Keppel row Messum's court Nobb's lane King William place Oyster street Penny street Warblington street St. Thomas' street St. Mary street High street St. Thomas' street Warblington street High street Penny street Queen's mill Seager's court Trimmer's court Warblington street King street high street High street Sanden's court St. Thomas' street St. Thomas' street St. Mary street Penny street Lombard street Penny street Oyster street St. Mary street High street High street High street High street Broad street High street St. Thomas' street High street Lombard street Broad street Broad street High street High street Penny street St. Thomas' street Penny street East street High street Smith's court Barrack street Hogg yard Trimmer's court High street St. Thomas' street Lombard street Nelson's court Nobb's lane Crown street St. Nicholas street Penny street East street Warblington street Seager's court Bath square Warblington street White hart passage Tower street Warblington street Red lion yard High street High street Broad street King William place High street Barrack street Broad street High street St. Nicholas street High street Timming's court Messum's court St. Mary street Bathing lane St. Mary street St. Thomas' street St. Thomas' street Broad street Pembroke street Oyster street Carver's court Penny street High street High street Prospect row Martell's court, Prospect row Warblington street High street St. Thomas' street Prospect row St. Thomas' street High street Smith's court St. Mary street Dugan's court Seager's court Cromwell's alley Penny street East street Crown street Chase's court Warblington street High street High street Broad street Aylett's court Prospect row Carver's court High street Bath square Broad street High street Broad street St. Thomas' street White hart row High street St. Mary street Bath square Broad street Nelson's court Crown street Oyster street High street East street Broad street St. Mary street High street Grand parade Messum's court Town quay Penny street Broad street Golden Lion lane Aylett's court Broad street Martell's court, Prospect row High street Broad street Penny street High street High street East street Young's court St. Thomas' street East street High- street King William place St. Thomas' street St. Thomas' street Pembroke street Foster's court, St. Mary street East street St. Mary street Aylett's court Golden Lion lane St. Thomas' street Warblington street Smith's court Cockey's alley East street High street Nelson's court Back of Tower street Penny street St. Mary street High street Messum's court Penny street East street Broad street High street High street Lombard street Cromwell's alley Broad street King William place High street Grand parade Cockey's alley High street Messum's court Nobb's lane Crown street Luke's court St. Mary street Penny street Lombard street Piper's alley Cromwell's alley High street Lombard street St. Mary street St. Mary street High street Tower street East street Crown street Luke's court St. Mary street High street Barrack street St. Mary street Penny street Penny street St. Thomas' street Messurn's court Back of Tower street Oyster street Cockey's alley Cromwell's alley St. Nicholas street Penny street St. Mary street Oyster street Penny street St. Mary street Broad street Barrack street Piper's alley King William place Broad street St. Thomas' street Broad street Broad street King William place White hart row Nobb's lane East street St. Mary street High street Warblington street High street East street Hogg yard High street Broad street High street Nobb's lane Penny street Crown street St. Thomas' street High street St. Thomas' street Prospect row High street High street Seager's court St. Thomas' street Trimmer's court East street Seager's court Bath square St. Thomas' street East street High street Oyster street High street Rowe's alley St. Thomas' street High street Lombard street Tower street St. Thomas' street St. Thomas' street St. Thomas' street Court, end of East street Piper's alley Tower street High street Albion place East street High street St. Mary street High street St. Thomas street Messum's court St. Mary street East street Penny street High street Broad street Hogg yard Broad street St. Mary street White hart row Tower street White horse street Crown street St. Mary street Hayward's court Tower street St. Thomas' street Broad street St. Mary street Battery row Barrack srreet High street St. Thomas' street St. Thomas' street High street Penny street High street Broad street Green row Luke's court Broad street Broad street Crown street East street High street St. Mary street Albion place Seager's court Prospect row Walker's yard, East street Broad street Tower street Warblington street St. Mary street St. Mary street Tower street Bratt's court High street Oyster street Broad street St. Thomas' street St. Thomas' street Pembroke street Trimmer's court Crown street Hampton court Tower street St. Mary street Pembroke street Martell's court, St Mary street Broad street Lombard street St. Thomas' street East street Prospect row St. Nicholas street St. Mary street St. Mary street Bath square Oyster street Warblington street Battery row Barrack street St. Thomas' street St. Mary street Broad street Pembroke street Barrack street Broad street St. Thomas' street High street Barrack street Golden lion lane Tower street High street High street King William place East street High street Penny street East street East street Warblington street High street Dugan's court St. Mary street Armoury lane Grand parade St. Thomas' street High street St. Mary street Green row St. Mary street Warblington street High street Warblington street Warblington street High street High street Albion place Warblington street Broad street Golden Lion lane Lombard street Green's court Prospect row High street Oyster street High street Pembroke street West street St. Nicholas street Broad street Court, end of East street East street East street High street White hart row Crown street Broad street Webb's court St. Thomas' street St. Mary street Pucknell's court Broad street White hart row St. Mary street Timming's court St. Mary street High street Pucknell's court Seager's court Oyster street St. Thomas' street Penny street Lombard street Webb's court Green row Prospect row Lombard street High street Prospect row Messum's court Broad street St. Thomas' street High street High street Pembroke street Warblington street St. Thomas' street High street High street Penny street Penny street Bath square Bath square Penny street St. Thomas' street Luke's court East street Broad street Nobb's lane Warblington street Legg's court Crown street West street East street Pembroke street St. Mary street King street St. Mary street Hogg yard White hart row Armoury lane St. Thomas' street High street Aylett's court St. Thomas' street Luke's court Oyster street Warblington street Warblington street Warblington street Lombard street Green row Aylett's court Broad street High street St. Mary street St. Mary street Cockey's alley High street St. Mary street Bath square Barrack street Broad street Lombard street Legg's court St. Thomas' street Broad street Cockey's alley St. Thomas' street Seager's court St. Mary street St. Thomas' street High street Prospect row High street Nelson's court