Aberry, John Addison, George Adnams, Joseph Alderslade, James Alford, Stephen Ambrose, Prosper Anchor, Charles Antill, Nathaniel Arnett, Michael Ashley, Robert Astridge, John Atkins, John Elias Atkins, John Elias, jun. Atlee, Richard Backshell, William Bailey, John Bainton, John Banks, Joseph Bant, Richard Barber, John Bartlett, Henry Bartlett, John Barttelot, Thomas Base, William Batchelor, George Batchelor, Thomas Batchelor, William Bayley, William Beale, William Beale, William Beech, Thomas Bennett, John Binsteed, Charles Henry Bird, Thomas Bishop, George Bishop, John Blackwell, John Blechynden, Richard Bloxam, Henry Blunden, John Bolt, John Henry Bond, John Bond, Richard Bond, William Bracher, James Bramble, Benjamin Bratt, James Brown, James Brown, James Brown, Sidney Buchanan, James Buchanan, William George Buckler, Richard Burgess, John Burne, John Edward Burrell, James Fitchett Button, Joseph Calcott, James Capon, William Carey, Richard Carpenter, John Weapon Carter, Edward Casher, Edward Cathery, William Cavander, William Cave, Joseph Chambers, George Chambers, George, jun. Champion, John Charpentier, William Henry Chase, John Chestle, James Childs, Henry Chimmo, Benjamin Clarke, Edmund Cockey, John Coffin, John Livesay Cole, George Coles, Caleb Coles, George Collins, Henry Collins, James Comerford, Michael Connolly, John Cooke, George Cooper, William Cotton, William Coupland, John Cox, Joseph Creuze, Augustine Crew, William Cross, Edward Damp, George Dash, Thomas Davis, Joseph Davis, Thomas Denham, John Denham, William Dessiou, Samuel Foss Devereux, William Dodd, George Dole, Joseph Dollor, John Douse, Zacharias Dubber, Richard Duckett, David Dudley, Joseph Duffield, John Dugan, John Dugan, Patrick Dugdall, Philip Edmunds, James Edmunds, John Elcock, Richard Henry Elkins, George Elliott, Andrew Elliott, William Emanuel, Emanuel Emanuel, Ezekiel Emery, James English, John Evans, Evan Exton, James Faithful, Henry Fiske, Thomas Hammond Fogwill, William Forbes, Samuel Darley Ford, John Henry Foster, George Foster, Henry Foy, John Frames, Clement Ernest Francis, Richard Frazer, Roderick Frost, Edward Galt, Joseph Garratt, Samuel Wyatt Garrett, John Thomas Gibbon, Robert Gillman, George Gloge, John Gloge, Peter Godwin, Edward Grant, Henry Grant, William Grant, William, jun. Gray, George Gray, Henry Gray, Thomas Greetham, George Lamburn Greetham, Samuel Grinder, John Grossmith, William Groves, John Groves, Josiah Grunsell, John Hackman, Thomas Hale, Thomas Hall, Charles Handley, Thomas Hanson, Thomas Hardy, Charles Hardy, William Harrison, William Hart, Josiah Haslett, Samuel Hatch, James Hatch, Robert Hawkins, Stephen Hay, William John Hayward, Henry John Hayward, John Hayward, Joseph Hazel, William Heather, Thomas Hellard, Charles Bettesworth Hellard, George Bettesworth Hellyer, James Hendy, James Hendy, James William Hewett, Stephen Hills, Charles Hills, Henry Hinton, Benjamin Hudson Hoare, William Hobbins, Thomas Hobbs, John Holder, William Holmes, Joseph Hooper, William Hoskins, James Howard, John Howell, Thomas Huish, Henry Hulbert, John Spice Hunt, Edward Hurt, Thomas Jackson, Robert Jamison, George John Jeffery, Isaac, jun. Jelley, Thomas Jennings, Thomas Johnson, John Jones, George Kaim, Thomas Keyser, John Barnard Kiln, Robert King, George King, Thomas Kingswell, James Knight, John Knight, John Knight, Peter Knott, Joseph Knott, Richard Lake, Nicholas Latimer, Henry Leese, John Smith Leggatt, John Leverett, Thomas Levy, David Lewington, George Lewis, Charles Lilly, George Little, John Littlefield, John, jun. Loe, George Loe, James Loe, John Loe, Richard Lovatt, Samuel Loveday, Thomas Luscombe, Edward Macartney, Frederick Madgwick, Richard Main, William Main, William Mariner, Joseph Marsh, Middleton Martell, George Martell, Thomas Martell, William Martin, James Martin, John Mason, Henry Massey, John Matthews, James Nelson Maynard, Benjamin Mc'Bryan, James Mc'Cheane, John Mc'Ghie, John Ponlett Megginson, Botterill Menzies, Charles Miller, John Miller, John, jun. Mitchell, William Mitchell, William Moncrieff, Robert Moore, George Moore, John Moore, Thomas Moorman, George Moreton, Joseph Mortimer, William Mottley, George Henry Nance, Andrew Nance, William Nathan, George Neale, George Neale, Henry Neale, William Nelthorp, Anthony Wright Nelthorp, Isaac Newlyn, George Newlyn, John Newlyn, Robert Nicholas, John Nicholson, Thomas Norkett, Henry Ogburn, Joseph, jun. Owen, Henry Owen, Rice Owen, Thomas Ellis Padwick, Henry Pafoot, Charles Pakenham, Hercules Robert Palmer, Richard Parkinson, Thomas Parnell, Samuel Payne, William Peckham, Edward Peirce, William Pescott, Thomas Pescott, William Pitt, Ambrose Pitt, George Plasto, Daniel Pounds, John Powell, James Prince, William Privett, John Proctor, Joseph Purchase, William Purchess, Thomas Ranger, John Ransom, Isaac Reed, James Reed, Thomas Reeks, William Rees, Edward Reeves, Thomas Richards, David Richards, John Richardson, Knowles Riley, John Robinson, James Newton Rogers, Thomas Roper, William Ross, Thomas Rout, George Clark Rout, Henry Robert Rout, William Routledge, William Henry Russell, Robert Sargeant, Henry Sargeant, William Sartain, Thomas Saunders, William Saunderson, John Savage, William Sayer, Joshua Saffery Sayers, Frederick Scott, James Seally, Samuel Selby, John Charles Seymour, Richard Shaw, Thomas Sheppard, David Sheppard, John Sheppard, Thomas Sherwood, George Shores, Ebenezer Silver, Stephen Silvester, James Sivier, William Slight, Henry Slight, Julian Smith, Abel Smith, Andrew Smith, George Smith, John Smith, John Smith, John Smith, Lawrence Smith, Richard Snook, George Spratt, John Stallard, James Stanfield, Richard Stapleford, John Stebbing, George Stephens, William Stevens, William Stewart, James Studdy, James Sullivan, Thomas Ross Suter, Peter Tapper, James Taylor, Edward Terry, John Tipple, Richard Tollervey, Thomas Treakell, Joseph Tucker, John Ubsdell, Richard Ubsdell, Richard Henry Clements Vardy, John Eyre Vick, George Victor, George Wake, Charles Waldron, Joseph Waller, Thomas Ward, John Warmingham, John Warn, Joseph Warram, Joseph Way, Elias Way, Henry George Way, Richard James Way, Thomas Way, Thomas John Weaver, Richard Webb, James Webb, John Weeks, Thomas Wellspring, Edward Welsh, George Wheeler, Harry Wheeler, John Wheeler, William White, Henry White, Richard White, William White, William Wickenden, William Wills, James Fabian Wilson, William George Winkworth, Stephen Witcher, Joseph Woods, Thomas Wright, William Wright, William Wright, William, jun. Young, James Miller
house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house shop house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house shop shop house house house house house shop house house house house house house shop house house house house house house warehouse warehouse house house house house house warehouse house house house house warehouse house house house store house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house shop house house house house house house house house house house Counting-house and warehouse house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house shop house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house shop house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house counting-house house house house house house house house house warehouse house house house warehouse house house house house house house counting-house and warehouse house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house warehouse house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house house
St. Mary street Prospect row High street Pembroke street East street High street Oyster street Oyster street High street St. Thomas street Pembroke street Green row Green row Broad street St. Mary street High street St. Mary street Oyster street Green row Lombard street Seager's court Broad street High street Warblington street Warblington street Lombard street St. Mary street Broad street East street Broad street St. Mary street Barrack street Grand parade Oyster street St. Thomas street St. Thomas street High street Oyster street Grand parade High street St. Mary street Broad street High street White Hart row Warblington street St. Mary street Warblington street Keppel row St. Thomas street Barrack street Battery row High street Warblington street Broad street Queen's mill King street East street High street Broad street St. Mary street East street High street St. Thomas street Cambridge Barracks Broad street St. Thomas street High street King street Green row High street Fore-house barracks Broad street Broad street St. Thomas street Barrack street Broad street Golden-lion lane Penny street High street High street St. Mary street St. Mary street High street Broad street Custom house Warblington street St. Mary street High street St. Nicholas street St. Thomas street High street Broad street Broad street Broad street High street Barrack row Broad street St. Mary street Broad street St. Mary street High street High street Penny street Pembroke street Penny street Grand parade High street Crown street White-horse street Barrack street Broad street Lombard street Broad street St. Mary street Broad street St. Mary street Tower street High street High street Pembroke street St. Thomas street Warblington street Bath square Broad street High street Broad street High street Penny street Barrack street High street Broad street Broad street Penny street St. Mary street St. Thomas street High street Broad street Penny street Battery row High street Golden-lion lane St. Mary street Broad street High street High street High street Broad street High street road Broad street High street St. Thomas street Broad street High street High street High street Tower street Warblington street Bath square Broad street Barrack row Warblington street Oyster street Warblington street High street East street St. Mary street High street Broad street High street High street High street Golden-lion lane St. Mary street Penny street Broad street High street St. Thomas street High street Lombard street Lombard street King street Broad street Broad street High street Lombard street High street St. Nicholas street Warblington street Lombard street St. Thomas street Grand parade St. Thomas street East street High street High street Penny street Broad street Crown street St. Mary street Penny street High street Penny street Horn court St. Thomas street Prospect row Broad street High street St. Mary street White Hart row Broad street High street West street Tower street Broad street Bath square St. Thomas street New Gun wharf St. Thomas street St. Mary street Bath square High street Warblington street Broad street Warblington street Bath square St. Mary street St. Thomas street High street St. Thomas street St. Thomas street St. Mary street Warblington street High street High street St. Thomas street Broad street Bath square St. Mary street High street St. Mary street St. Mary street St. Mary street Warblington street High street St. Thomas street St. Mary street Lombard street High street St. Thomas street St. Thomas street High street High street St. Thomas street St. Thomas street High street High street St. Mary street St. Thomas street Warblington street St. Mary street Broad street White horse street Prospect row St. Mary street Grand parade High street St. Thomas street Oyster street St. Thomas street Grand parade Red Lion yard Broad street Broad street St. Thomas street High street St. Mary street St. Thomas street High street High street St. Mary street Broad street St. Thomas street High street High street High street High street Broad street High street Pembroke street Lombard street St. Mary street High street Oyster street Broad street High street Lombard street St. Thomas street St. Mary street Penny street St. Mary street St. Thomas street Bath square King street West street St. Thomas street High street Oyster street Armory lane High street Barrack street East street Broad street High street Warblington street Broad street Broad street St. Mary street St. Thomas street High street High street St. Thomas street Tower street Pembroke street Tower street Broad street High street Oyster street Broad street High street Warblington street High street Penny street St. Thomas street Armory lane High street St. Nicholas street St. Nicholas street St. Thomas street King street High street High street High street St. Mary street St. Thomas street Warblington street High street High street Barrack street Broad street Nobbs' lane St. Thomas street Prospect row Golden-lion lane St. Thomas street Penny street Oyster street Penny street Barrack street St. Thomas street St. Mary street Broad street Warblington street St. Mary street St. Thomas street St. Mary street Barrack row Broad street St. Nicholas street Broad street Lombard street East street Broad street High street Green row Lombard street High street High street St. Thomas street High street High street Warblington street St. Thomas street St. Mary street St. Thomas street St. Thomas street Green row St. Mary street St. Thomas street High street St. Thomas street High street High street Barrack street St. Thomas street Warblington street High street Green row Broad street Broad street Capstan square St. Thomas street High street Grand parade Penny street Broad street Town Quay High street St. Thomas street Warblington street Broad street 109, High street St. Thomas street High street High street