The Council of the City of Portsmouth (1990)
The Council Year Book for 1990-1991 is missing. The lists of councillors below have been compiled using the Year Books from adjacent years and may not be accurate.
Syd Rapson
St. Thomas St. Jude Havelock Highland Milton Fratton Charles Dickens Nelson Copnor Hilsea Paulsgrove Cosham Drayton & Farlington
F.B. Worley S.A. Fiddy or A.H. Storey C.G. Davies or Dr. I.M. Pine
Mrs. E.G. Robinson J.S. Cockerill M.K.G. Chewter
Mrs. S.T. Thomas S. Wemyss A.D. Burnett
B.C. Read P.R. Frampton A.M. Bentley
C.A. Grennan Mrs. J.M. Stevens or Mrs. J.A. Spurgeon Miss G.I. Howard or R.A. Cole
S.L. Rackett M.T. Hancock P.E. Shaddock
B.R. Pope K.G. Preston or P. Spencer M.J. Feeley or Mrs J.B. Katz
T.R. Gregory or I. McIsaac A.C. Mos or A.P. McCarthy J.L. Madden
E.V.J. Thompson Miss M. Seaman or P.M. Turk M.A. Park
J.G. Lodge A.G. Dann or G. Goble K.W. Hale or R.F. Sparshatt
D.R. Horne J. Patey S.N.J. Rapson
M.G. Till or I.E. Robb P.S. Ashley Ms. G.M. Bennett or Mrs. T.V. Wimbleton
B. Maine F.A. Warner I.G. Gibson
St. Thomas St. Jude Havelock Highland Milton Fratton Charles Dickens Nelson Copnor Hilsea Paulsgrove Cosham Drayton & Farlington
Terence William Christopher Henderson
Stephen Armitage or Andrew Nigel Hyde
Anthony Jack Golds
George Byng
Albert John Walters
Michael Thomas Hancock
Percy George Chandler
John Scott Marshall
Leslie Albert Kitchen
Kenneth William Hale
John Richard Attrill
John David Knapp
Stuart Woolmer Juniper
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